Dr Christiane Northrup – Unlocking the Key To Vibrant Health

Content by: Christiane Northrup

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Stu: This week, I’m excited to welcome Dr Christiane Northrup to the show. Dr Northrup is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, which includes the unity of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Her work has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, Good Morning America and many more and she was named one of  “The 100 Most Trusted People in America by Reader’s Digest.

In this episode, we discussed the products, habits, and daily practices that could be sabotaging our health and where to start to get back on track. Over to Dr. Northrup…

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Questions we ask in this episode:

  • How do you define vibrant health?
  • What products, habits or daily practises could be sabotaging our health?
  • How important is a positive mindset for optimal health?

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Full Transcript


00:03 Hey, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition. And welcome to another episode of the Health Sessions. It’s here that we connect with the world’s best experts in health, wellness, and human performance in an attempt to cut through the confusion around what it actually takes to achieve a long-lasting health. Now I’m sure that’s something that we all strive to have. I certainly do. Before we get into the show today, you might not know that we make products too. That’s right. We’re into whole food nutrition and have a range of superfoods and natural supplements to help support your day. If you are curious, want to find out more, just jump over to our website. That is 180nutrition.com.au and take a look. Okay. Back to the show.

This week, I’m excited to welcome Dr. Christiane Northrup. Dr. Northrup is a visionary pioneer and the leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, which includes the unity of mind, body emotion and spirit. Her work has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show. The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many more. And she was named one of the 100 most trusted people in America by Reader’s Digest.

In this episode, we discussed the products, habits, and daily practices that could be sabotaging our health and where to start to get back on track. Over to Dr. Northrup.

Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 nutrition and I’m delighted to welcome Dr. Christiane Northrup to the podcast. Dr. Northrup, good morning for me. Good afternoon, evening for you. Thank you so much for joining us. But first up for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I would love it. If you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.


01:48 Yes, I’m a board certified OB/GYN physician. I was a clinical assistant professor at Tufts for about 25 years and had an active practice in women’s health, doing everything, birthing babies, C-sections, hysterectomies, is all of that. And then I was beginning to see things that I was not seeing in the medical literature. I would ask people what was going on in their lives and they would tell me, and I could connect it to what was going on in their bodies. And so I wrote my first book Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom in 1994, which has just been fully updated with a brand shiny new edition.

And I also was the President of the American Holistic Medical Association, along with Bernie Siegel. And on the board of that, I was on Oprah 10 times. I did eight public television specials. And so I’ve really invented a language of women’s health instead of women’s disease. Because women’s health in western culture is you don’t have it yet, but keep coming back because sooner or later we’ll find it.


02:54 Oh boy. Oh boy. Well, fantastic. And that’s great because the majority of our listeners are female and I’m in a household with a lovely wife and three young daughters. So it’s very applicable to me as well.


03:10 Oh yes. That’s wonderful. You’ll live forever. All that and female Shakti.


03:17 Yeah, I think we’ll see how we go.. first of all, I’m keen to understand your definition of health, vibrant health as well. Because I know that that term can become quite skewed. Many of us think, “Yeah, I’m pretty healthy,” but maybe they have negative thoughts or perhaps they’re just not in tune with their bodies in a way that I think you could perhaps guide them to be more so. So how would you define vibrant health?


03:46 It’s such a great concept. It’s kind of always understanding that inside your body and the DNA and connection with your spirit, the body is always going toward balance and function. However, nobody has perfect health all the time. There’s always a little something that needs to be tweaked. So vibrant health is that you’re in a cycle and I love this idea of always considering that things can get better at any age, that you can get more flexible.

When I do the elliptical trainer and I have one out in my little workout area, I just put in the age of 40. I’m well past 40, but I just put 40 in there because everything in our culture is arranged around this ingrained idea of decline with age. Well, you’re doing well for your age or when a woman turns 35 and hasn’t gotten pregnant yet, “Oh, that’s it, man, I’m going to need reproductive technology.”

Or you turn 65, “That’s the end of my useful years. Now, nobody will want me or I’m useless or whatever.” We know that a New York policemen, most of them are dead three years after retirement. This has nothing to do with anything except the meaning, the meaning of a cultural portal. So I think that vibrant health, we would need to study the healthy centenarians all over the world. You know, the people who are really healthy at age 100 and you ask them, “When’s the last time you saw a doctor?” And they say, “I don’t know. All my doctors are dead.”

And they’re forward thinking. You’re always looking to the next to the next stage. Your garden looks great. Wait until you see it in two years when I’m 103. It’s living fully with full access to your ability to be well, which you may not even have access because of subconscious programming that comes to us seven generations before as Eckhart Tolle calls it the pain body. So currently in the United States, we’re going through the racial pain body with anyone who is a person of color. All the riots and all of that are being driven by the unhealed stuff of the past that’s now manifesting in the future because it never got fully addressed and healed.

In 2017 when Harvey Weinstein finally, when life caught up with him and we started the MeToo Movement. That was the first time for me as a physician, the mainstream actually validated what I had been saying since the 80s like, “Yeah, the reason she’s got this is because of what happened to her when she was a kid that never got processed. Yeah right. “Your patients are crazy. Mine are all normal.” But then the MeToo Movement came and suddenly everyone goes, “Oh, I guess that happened to you.”

And then there’s a massive healing because in order to heal something, it needs to be witnessed. And when it comes to women, I don’t know about Australia, but women in the United States got the right to vote in 1920. So here we are and it’s just a 100 years later. I guess we won’t be able to celebrate that since we’re all in lockdown at this time.


07:22 Oh boy, Oh boy. Fascinating stuff. And I am continually surprised by the power of the mind, whether it be negative thoughts, rumination, programming, and its ability to have an impact on our health, whether it be positive or negative. So it’s just fascinating. And people do say, “Well, have a stiff upper lip. Think positive and things will generally be better.” And I do believe that.


07:54 Well, it is really the truth and the other thing is you don’t have to go on an archaeologic dig into your past to see where the wounds are. Move forward, the wounds will catch up with you. If they need to be addressed and healed. How do you heal them? It’s easy. Movement, sound, tears. That’s how you move. Just like if a gazelle is being chased by a lion and the lion doesn’t get the gazelle, the gazelle just sits there and it shakes. It just shakes and then it’s back to eating grass. We’re mammals and we have abilities in our bodies to heal like, okay, you have a little kids. So you know how it is. Kid falls down, looks around. Is there anyone here to see it? Then you pick them up, they cry, but you’re comforting them in the moment so that they are witnessed.

And then “No, you’re good. You’re good to go.” You don’t say to them, “Oh, step up here, you’re a little dummy. You never should have fallen down. I’ll give you something to cry about.” That creates a lifelong wound. But a little kid who gets wounded, you pick them up, you’re present with them, your presence like literally the electromagnetic field of your presence begins the healing process.

“Oh okay, it hurt. I guess. I’m okay. Boom. Back at it. No wounds.” But if you’re continually shamed or abused as a kid, that’s going to follow you through life. And we have a lot of data on that, but it doesn’t mean you’re scarred for life. It just means it when it comes up and needs to be addressed.


09:27 Excellent. Yeah. That’s definitely worthy of further consideration, I think. And so I’m intrigued as to self-sabotage. So many of us unknowingly will sabotage our health every single day, whether it be through the products that we consume or apply to our bodies, habits or daily practices that that we continually do on autopilot. So I’m intrigued from your standpoint. Where are the commonalities in these products, habits or practices that you see time and time again with your clients that will impact their healths?


10:18 Well, first of all, we need to understand that addictions, addiction to your cellphone addiction to television, addicted to alcohol, drugs, sex, vacuuming, keeping your house clean, whatever. A process or substance addiction is generally something you do in order to avoid feeling something else. I have a friend who ran 25 marathons and millions of road races. And I said, “What are you running away from?” I mean, when someone is running they’re a big hero, but why are we spending all this time running? It’s way beyond fitness. So you need to be able to name what is the thing that you’re doing? The thing that you’re doing is Vincent Felitti when he studied overweight people in San Diego, at the Kaiser Permanente place there, had a patient who gained a 100 lbs after she was raped, and she was in the weight loss program. And she finally said, “Overweight is overlooked and that’s what I need to be.” And so what he points out is overeating in her case is not actually the problem. It’s the solution to an unnamed problem. We work with some of the Indian, the native tribes here in Maine. What they will say is, “Smoking is their friend. Smoking makes them feel better.” It’s actually a solution to pain they don’t to feel because smoking closes down the heart.

Now that doesn’t mean you don’t have the ability to heal those things, you do. But you first need to understand there’s a wounded little kid inside who is needing something to dull the feeling of pain. Smoking shuts down the heart, the nicotine goes right to the brain. Being on a porn site gives you huge amounts of dopamine. And the problem with addiction is continued use means that it takes more and more of the thing to get less and less of a hit. And we know that drugs too, which is why people finally overdose.

So we need to ratchet it back, get in touch with our power. You know, how you always hear about people saying that they hit bottom?


12:44 Yes.


12:44 Like when they finally hit bottom where they realize “Something’s got to happen here, something’s got to change.” And that’s when often they will bring in the divine part of themselves or their higher power, or whatever you want to call it

13:00 … that helps them get some discipline. Now, discipline has been considered a dirty word, but it’s actually the steering wheel for your health and your life. So, let’s say that you want to begin. What’s one of the most helpful things anyone can do? 10 minutes of meditation every morning. It doesn’t cost anything, it digests stress hormones, and it’s really simple. There’s no equipment necessary. You sit in a chair, you breathe through your nose, and here’s how you meditate. Breathe in, breathe out, sit. Breathe in, breathe out, sit. That’s the Vipassana meditation. I went all the way to Thailand to learn that one. Okay.


13:49 Boy oh boy. Money well spent.


13:51 Yeah, right. Right. Exactly.


13:59 I think we’re certainly living in a time then that there’s never been so much noise and stimulus thrown at us, whether it be cell phone, whether it be flavors with processed food. Of course, the internet and all manner of disruptions that look at breaking our hormones, wrecking our sleep, and sabotaging our attention.


14:23 Yeah.


14:25 Where would we start if we think that, boy, something isn’t quite right, because so many of us these days are attached to these things. So their smartphones.


14:34 Yeah.


1: 14:34 And it’s sort of automatic now. I just pick it up, pick it up, pick it up. And I don’t even realize I’m doing it. If I have an uncomfortable itching and I’m thinking something isn’t quite right, where might I start to address this?


14:53 Okay. First thing I would do. Every one of us should have an electronic sundown, before we go to bed.


14:59 Right. Because we know that the blue light in a TV screen, or in a computer screen, or a cell phone screen interrupts the melatonin sleep cycle.


14:59 Yes.


15:08 So what you want to do, is about an hour before bedtime, you begin the process of shutting down the electronics. You never want to sleep with a cell phone on by your head ever, because we know that those EMFs go right into your brain. For children this is lethal. If you turn off the cell phone, absolutely, I would recommend buying an alarm clock, like the old fashioned. But I have one that gives you a little tune. It’s quite lovely. I don’t want to wake up, who wants to wake up to an alarm? That’s the worst possible thing. But if you wake up to dah-dah-dat-dah, that’s quite nice.

And my daughter, they turn off the breakers to the second floor of the house where everyone sleeps so that there’s no EMF there. There’s no dirty electricity and everyone sleeps much, much better. So, you really want to make sure that you’re not being pinged with electromagnetic frequencies all night long. You want to make sure that the feng shui is no mirrors in the bedroom, or if you have mirrors, you want to cover them. No ambient lights, if at all possible, because then you want the melatonin to be at its height. And melatonin is a master antioxidant, which will help decrease cellular inflammation. What is the root cause of all chronic degenerative disease?Cellular inflammation?

So you take the thing that you will do. And what we often do. What do we often do? We often say, okay, I’m going to go on a cleanse. I’m not going to have my cell phone around. I’m going to run a mile a day. It’s like we do too much. It’s way better if you start with just a couple little things, because then the natural tendency is to build on that. Like, if you’re in a fitness program, you want to push yourself slightly more than you want to, but then bring it back.

John Douillard has this wonderful way he teaches on how you do a treadmill, but you want to breathe only through your nose. If you cannot do your workout breathing only through your nose, you’re working too hard and you’re literally creating oxidative damage in the body. So, that’s another thing. Never exercise or exert yourself beyond where you can breathe comfortably in through your nose and out through your nose. And over time, you’ll be able to move faster, and you expand your lung capacity.

So, here we are in the face of this global pandemic of a lung disease. And if everybody were able to get their lungs in top shape by breathing in through their nose, breathing out through their nose while exercising, they would find they greatly increased their pulmonary function. Now at night, many, many people snore. Those Breathe Right strips are fantastic. And then there’s these other things called Clippies and you just put this in the nostrils here. It’s two little magnets, and they will often open up the nasal passages. And over time, when you breathe through your nose, you will change the entire structure of your face because the sinuses and all that is supposed to be much more open than it is in most people.

Mouth breathing is a stress response. Babies don’t do it. Horses don’t do it. We learn to do it because we’re breathing from here. Like we’re always scared to death, especially if we watch the news. They’re stock and trade. What is the mainstream media selling? They’re selling fear.

Yes they are.


18:44 Then what do they sell? They sell junk food so that you can take sugar in, which is an opiate, so that you don’t feel so bad, so that you can stand it a bit more. It’s a vicious, vicious cycle.

So when you first start to do these healthy things, as you well know, there’s a withdrawal phase. Say you decide, okay, I’m not going to eat sugar for a while. I’m going to not have that sweetness. There might be two weeks where you just, you’re rebelling, and then something changes. You need this podcast or a buddy system for that time of withdrawal. Caffeine withdrawal takes three days. That’s all it takes. During that time, you have camomile tea, you sleep more, that kind of thing. I always try to keep my coffee consumption to the point where I never get a headache if I stop.


19:37 Right.


19:37 I always know that if it’s too much, if I get a headache, I’ve been drinking too much coffee. I want to be able to go for three days without it, you know? And that’s easy to do.


19:47 Fantastic. And, I love that you mentioned the nasal breathing as well, because I was speaking to an exercise physiologist just last week and that’s how he trains. And we had a whole conversation about the benefits behind that. And he said, well, you’re just over-training. If you’re gasping and panting, he said, you’re over training.


20:09 Yes. Yes. And then you find out, that’s why those distance runners, there’s been a whole spate of runners who just drop dead.


20:17 Yes.


20:18 It’s because they’re constantly over-training without replenishing. And I think we have in this culture. I mean, it started where I noticed everyone was training for a half marathon or a triathlon, or it’s like, what are you doing? We don’t need to be that extreme.


20:18 No.


20:36 You can’t keep up that level of extreme. You want to have something that you can do, okay, you challenge yourself. Now and again, I think that’s good. I had a friend, he said, I think everyone should run a marathon to know what they have inside. I said, I don’t agree with you. I think maybe everyone should have a baby. That’s how you know what you got inside.


20:56 Yeah. I completely agree. It’s funny because I was challenged last year to run a marathon, and I just don’t enjoy running.


21:11 Yeah.


21:11 I just don’t. But I thought, you know what? Bucket list. I’m going to give it a go. I’m going to see if I can run a marathon. And I track my health metrics through sleep. I use this ring and it tracks all of my heart rate variability and things like that. And so I started training for this marathon by running 10, 15 kilometers, which I didn’t enjoy it at all. I was about as bored as you could get. But then I realized my heart rate variability scores and all my inflammation was just going through the roof, and my sleep was disrupted. And so, I just pulled the plug and I said, no, forget it. I’m not enjoying it. I’m not doing it.


21:50 Hallelujah. Hallelujah. That is really good. Yeah, you didn’t suck it up.


21:55 No.


21:56 The people who suck it up are the ones who dropped dead out on the track. You were listening to your body. I love that you had the metrics to see that what felt bad was bad.


22:09 Yes. That’s right. And I think-


22:11 That is important.


22:13 Totally. And we live by this mantra, no pain, no gain. Well, sometimes this pain isn’t the gain that we really need in our lives.


22:22 I saw a Marine once and the tee shirt said pain is weakness leaving the body. See, this is the definition of toxic masculinity. And there are many women involved in that as men.


22:36 Yeah. Yeah.


22:37 Yeah. So, we got to get over that because the body needs … so what did we say back to vibrant health? It’s knowing there’s a cycle. There’s a time to rest. There’s a time to push yourself a little bit. There’s a time to fast a bit. There’s a time to feast. All of those things. Because we’re cyclic, our biology follows the phases of the moon in men and women. It’s a flow of fluids in the body.


23:02 Yeah. No, I certainly see that in my house. That’s for sure.


23:02 You can’t get away.


23:02 No, exactly Right.


23:07 You cannot get away from that.


23:11 You touched on the pandemic at the moment. And I have noticed that there are many of my friends who are riveted to the media, and of course media is there to sell media. It’s fear based and it can be very addictive to get into this pattern of consuming media through all the different channels. But I’ve noticed that it is impacting my friends’ and colleagues’ sleep. Their sleep’s becoming fragmented. They’re waking up in the middle of the night or early morning with racing thoughts about all of the things that could go wrong, I think, because of these continual messages. How could we fix our sleep in this time of global media-induced fear?


24:06 Okay. First of all, what you have to understand is the mainstream media is owned by five companies, that’s it.


24:14 Yeah.


24:15 It’s controlled, tightly controlled by one group of people. And you need to always follow the money. In the United States, and New Zealand, I think.


24:30 Yeah.


24:30 You’re allowed to have drug ads on television. New Zealand and the United States. So, most of our mainstream media, about 80% of what they bring to you is there because of the pharmaceutical industry. Remember, what they’re trying to do is make every one of us a patient who is dependent upon a drug. And what is the end game of this pandemic? It’s a vaccine that everyone on Earth will have to have mandated, and tracking and tracing. Now, if you aren’t questioning that narrative, you are so asleep that God help you.


25:15 Yeah.


25:15 Okay. So I think what it does is, people have also been brought up to fear their bodies. We have been brought up on the germ theory of disease. Why would a movie called Contagion come up on Netflix about two weeks before the pandemic?


25:36 Yeah.


25:36 You know, come on. Let’s just have a look at the patterns. You got to remember that this is planned. It’s orchestrated. I remember when the whole thing started. And I am listening to everything, and my life partner and epidemiologist. So I’m saying to him, how does this work, because they can’t

26:00 … can’t be telling you those numbers, unless they’ve tested enough people to know what the denominator is.


26:00 Yes.


26:05 You can’t tell me that all this stuff is happening, unless you know how many people are actually … they have this, but they never get sick.


26:15 Yeah.


26:15 It turns out about 95% of people who test positive, never get sick. Not withstanding, what is it? In Tanzania, where they tested a goat and a pawpaw fruit and they were positive.


26:25 Oh, crikey.


26:26 So anyway, we need to question the whole thing. As a holistic physician, I have known for years that the mainstream media was controlled by big pharma. Because if I say anything about vitamin C, vitamin D or zinc, which are essential at this point, if you want to prevent everything, oh my God, no, no, the World Health Organization says, “No, we can’t talk about those things.”

Why would that be? It’s because of who’s controlling the narrative. Keep everyone afraid, and we’re going to give you the solution. I already have the solution. I already had this thing, I know I did, in February, so did all my family members. Okay, but we didn’t have a test. So, good, we have good immunity. We took our vitamin D, our vitamin C and our zinc and we’re fine, like 99.9% of people. Well, 99%.

My mother is 94. She lives in a small town, she was never afraid for one minute. There was no social distancing, there was no masks, there was no nothing. But fear is the most contagious thing in the world. So what we have to do, because many, many people are terrified and they tune into the mainstream media to be reassured, but the mainstream media is like a really bad parent.

Okay, you have three daughters. One wakes up in the middle of the night, “Daddy, there’s a monster in my closet.” You come in and you turn on the light and you say, “Honey, there’s no monster, it’s okay.” You turn the light off. “I’m still scared.” Fine, she can come into bed with you. She’s fine in the morning, there’s no monster.

Okay, what if you were this kind of parent? You go in, you see, “God, there could be a monster here. I can’t see it right now, but it could be coming back.” Then your child, who’s three years old, sees your terror and she’s got nowhere to go. Well, that’s the mainstream media. It’s worse than you think, it’s coming back. You’re healthy now, but you could have that thing lurking, and if you don’t wear a mask, you’re going to kill grandma. Don’t worry about your business, don’t worry about anything else, just stay inside.

Like, whoa, whoa, this is nuts. But people are so afraid, that you almost just need to pray for them. I mean, when someone is that afraid, I just send them divine love and pray for them, because you can’t get someone out of that fear. You just can’t do it. There’s going to be a bunch of people on this planet, they’re never going to leave their house again, because the mainstream media will have done its job, which is they’re selling fear. Why? Because fear makes you totally controllable and then you’ll do anything to buy the solution.


29:26 Boy, oh boy, yeah. What do I say to that? Absolutely right. I’ve been listening to medical doctors, epidemiologists and specialists who are working on the vaccines and just saying, “Well, hold on, something isn’t right.” Of course, what does fear do to the immune system as well?


29:47 Oh my God. No, the fear itself makes you so susceptible.


29:52 Yes.


29:52 Okay, so I was in college during the Hong Kong flu. By the way, that killed way more people than this one.


29:58 Yeah.


29:58 My college roommate would come home every day and she’d go, “I’ve been exposed to the Hong Kong flu.” I was just studying, I mean, I’m thinking, “I’m never going to get it.” Of course, she got it, because she was determined to get it. “I’ve been exposed, it’s going to happen. [inaudible 00:04:14].” I just don’t listen to that stuff, I haven’t for years, because I know that that is not a healthy thing to do. You got to keep your immunity up, you’ve got to get your sleep.

So what are your friends doing who are, “Oh my God, I better watch the 24 hour news cycle. I better watch the 11:00 at night before I go to bed, because maybe I’ll miss something.”


30:38 Yeah.


30:38 “I’ll miss something that would save my life.”


30:41 Yeah.


30:41 What you want to do, and some people are doing this now. I have friends where they’ll do one week off and one week on for their social media.


30:51 Right.


30:51 Or what my daughter does is she literally removes her Instagram and Facebook apps on the weekends. She just removes them from the phone, so she isn’t even tempted to go near them.


31:05 Yeah, that’s a good strategy.


31:06 Here’s what’s interesting. Very few people now, well, of course in my little social circle, even have mainstream news on their television. We don’t even have that anymore. You go with Netflix and you go with Hulu and you go with Amazon Prime, even though that’s still brought to you by the mainstream media. Because I notice, I’m watching an episode of Will and Grace, very, very funny, Joe, right? There’s some crack about anti-vaxxers and I’m thinking, “What are you doing this for? What’s that about?”


31:42 Yeah.


31:42 Because we want people who are aware, but when you call someone a name, a conspiracy theorist, an anti-vaxxer, now we’ve got an anti-masker. That’s just silencing. Silencing being together, dialogue, let’s talk this out, like that.


32:04 Yep.


32:04 If someone is really afraid, I respect that. Although, I do like Candace Owen, who is running for legislature here in the states, and she goes, “My freedom does not stop at your fear.” So there’s some of that, but you still want to be very compassionate.


32:20 Yes, it is … but media is such a powerful thing and it can be so alluring and addictive once you buy into this narrative.


32:32 That’s right.


32:34 It’s almost quite possibly the very worst way that you could start each and every morning by switching on your smartphone and being bombarded with all of the worst stories, that of course have been manipulated via clickbait and all of these very, very addictive headlines to suck you into this story, which is essentially bad news. It’s just like, ” Oh, terrible things are happening everywhere.” What a way to start the day. What kind of [crosstalk 00:33:04]


33:06 Yeah, so what you do is give yourself an hour in the morning, before you turn on your phone.


33:13 Right.


33:13 Just give yourself an hour. What I do in the morning, I get up, I have 16 ounces of distilled water with lemon in it for alkalinizing and hydrating, and then I do my meditation. Once I’ve done that, which is about 30 minutes, and then maybe do a little exercise, a little yoga, go for a walk in the woods, then I’ll come and turn it on.


33:41 Right.


33:41 I also removed all of the news apps, all of them, so I don’t get any headlines when I turn on the phone.


33:50 Yeah, that’s good advice. Absolutely. I mean, it’s-


33:53 Yeah.


33:54 Yeah.


33:55 You won’t miss anything, you will not miss anything. If there’s something you need to know, you will find it out, guaranteed.


34:02 Exactly right. So your book, Women’s Body, Women’s Wisdom. So, it sounds like it holds a lot of solutions to problems that we’re facing today, tomorrow.


34:21 Look at how big it is. Okay, yeah, it’s like-


34:23 Boy, oh boy.


34:24 It’s a big sucker, all right?


34:26 Now that-


34:26 This thing, you could use it to increase bone density, from the weight.


34:31 You could put it on the floor and you could do calf raises on that.


34:34 Yes, you could. Yes, it’s big.


34:36 It’s pretty weighted. Now, is that second edition, isn’t it?


34:41 Fifth.


34:42 Fifth edition? Oh, crikey.


34:42 Fifth edition.


34:45 Okay.


34:45 It first came out in ’94. I call this the post-me too version.


34:50 Right.


34:50 This is the one where I just … I mean, you can imagine. In ’94, I’m still trying to be accepted in the system, I’m still a clinical professor, so I’m walking on eggshells and I’m making sure there’s a study to say everything that I think. Now it’s like, “Here it is, this is the truth.” What’s great is the young women whose mothers gave them the first edition when they were, let’s say going off to college, they’re now entering menopause. So, I had this whole group now of women who are ready for a message that most people were not ready for in ’94. Yeah.


35:27 Right. So I’d love it if you could give me an elevator pitch for that book, for our audience that may want to learn more about you and your journey and your messaging, have problems perhaps that they don’t even realise right now are problems, but just need to find a basis of roadmap for vibrant health.


35:54 That’s right. Okay, so this is a manual for accessing and tapping into the wisdom of your body, with chapters on the ovaries, the external genitalia, the uterus, birthing, breasts, breastfeeding, the postpartum period, menopause. There’s a whole section on what goes where in the body, the energy anatomy, the chakra system. What wires in immunity? Your sense of safety and security in the world. How do you build bone health? What is the best way to get pregnant?

There’s a whole thing on fertility, there’s a whole menstrual cycle chapter. How do you tune into your creative flow? A whole chapter on sexuality. So, it is literally a Bible of true women’s health. I call it the manual for everything that can go right with your body and how to make it your experience.


36:58 Wow, okay.


37:00 Yeah, yeah.


37:01 Yeah, very powerful. From edition one to the current edition, were there any profound revisions during that time?


37:15 I would say the most profound one was in the area of what people should eat and how they should move-


37:22 Right.


37:23 Because it’s completely individual.


37:26 Yes.


37:27 Way back when I first wrote it, I was working with many macrobiotic people and I had sat with Michio Kushi and his doing consultations on cancer patients, and I saw what a difference the right diet could make. I saw people [inaudible 00:37:42] their whole face and body changed in two months. But then I began, as I followed these people through the years, I saw that that is not the diet for everyone. Some people need a more keto approach, some need more animal protein, some do better vegan, some are better low-fat, some need more fat. It’s very, very individual. So there was a huge change in that section.

But in general, what’s interesting is all the things that I knew to be true when I first wrote it, but didn’t have any research studies for-


38:19 Right.


38:19 We now in this edition, it’s like the world has kind of caught up. I was telling women to be very cautious of mammograms, because they would find things that you would die with, but not die from. Sure enough, all that data has come out. Now again, you don’t find that data in the mainstream, because the mainstream and the mainstream medical community, more than ever now, they just have a checklist. They’re all taught on these checklists, very few are looking at you as a patient. What do we need to do individually? No, it’s the checklist. “Oh, cholesterol above 200? You need a statin. All right, you’re 50, you need a colonoscopy.” That’s

39:00 It’s how it’s practiced now, at least in the States. And it’s horrifying actually to me that mainstream Western medicine … on the other hand, we have more and more acupuncturists, naturopaths, personal trainers. So we have a lot of people now in the actual health sphere, but standard medicine, in my opinion, conventional medicine has very little to do with health. It’s disease screening and it’s amazing, it’s amazing if you’re in a car accident.


3: 39:33 Yeah, well, absolutely. Yeah, the trauma injuries.


39:35 Yeah, fantastic yeah. Really good.


3: 39:36 Fantastic but yeah outside of that, it does tend to be labeled at the moment as disease management because-


39:42 It is, it’s what it is. I mean, now at this point 54% of our children have chronic disease, 54%, allergies, asthma, you name it, ADHD.


39:55 Yeah. And I remember when I was at school there were … there may have been a token child in the school who was overweight. Nobody had allergies, everybody could eat whatever they wanted to. And now when my daughter’s friends come around, we have EpiPens in the house now.


40:16 I know, no no this is nuts. This is nuts. And if you can’t see the connection between our food supply and the endless numbers of vaccines that children are given, and if you look at the ingredients in a vaccine you’ll see that every ingredient is toxic and they’re being given six at once sometimes. So we need to be questioning that. But you’re right, I’ve noticed that with my daughter’s friends, as far back as when they were in college, it seemed everyone was gluten intolerant and they couldn’t eat dairy. And I’m thinking, how many meals do I need to make here? Yeah.


40:56 Exactly right. What on earth are we doing? And of course now we’re in the … we’re surrounded by pandemic where we are so phobic of germs that we are spraying and washing and wiping and I mean, there’s a microbiome question right there in terms of bacteria.


41:17 Yes, and we know … okay, so we have 30 trillion cells. We have way more bacteria and viruses than we do cells. And Zach Bush, who was one of my big heroes, an MD, is into regenerative agriculture. And he points out that our microbiome needs bio diversity. And when it’s bio diverse, then you can have HIV, you can have H1N1, you can have COVID-19 and you’ll never get sick. In the same way that healthy soil will never be taken over by weeds because it’s balanced and you might get a few weeds, so what. So we … and also we’re … most of the microbiome is on the skin. I mean and we need the bio diversity of each other. We need to exchange DNA. That’s what keeps our immune systems healthy. We know from New York City, Cuomo himself has said 66% of the people hospitalized with COVID we’re sheltering in place at home. But somehow nature always finds a way.

What you want, you want a germ to pass through the population so that we can all get immune to it. By the way, most cases of polio never resulted in paralysis. Most people never even knew they had it. And I think it’s the same with this one.


42:44 Yeah. Well, it’s fascinating. And while we’re hiding inside, we’re certainly dodging the fresh air and the sunshine and we’re not allowed out in nature, and what does that do-


42:54 Yeah and the things that we know kill viruses, they used to have TB sanitariums. We had a lot of them here in New England, up in the mountain air and you just lie out in the sun. That does a couple things. It kills viruses, and it also increases testosterone.


43:12 Oh boy. Interesting times indeed, I think. Well, I’m just mindful that we’re coming up on time as well. But couple of questions I would just like to ask you, and one I think is more directed to you personally because you’re clearly a wealth of absolute knowledge and you’ve been doing this for so long to truly understand all of the different facets that build into the pillars of health. So I’m keen to understand how you apply that to yourself in terms of what are your non-negotiables? The practices that you do each and every day to ensure that you make the best out of that day.


43:54 Okay. Non-negotiables are sleep. That is absolutely my go-to healing. And there are times because by the way, I actually believe the human species is going through an upgrade. We’re going through an energetic upgrade now. So if I need to take a nap in the day, I take a nap, all right?


44:12 Yeah.


44:13 So that’s absolutely. The food, my food has to be high quality. I just don’t even like junky food. We’re very, very lucky here in our state, we have a very rich network of organic farms and it’s easy to get organic food. So good food is a real priority. Being hydrated is a real priority, making … I use distilled water, I put in a little Himalayan sea salt, and then I will often use ReMag and ReMyte for magnesium, for minerals. That’s very important. And then pleasure and joy, absolutely non- negotiable. That would be funny movies, playing my harp, talking with people that I love, visiting my grandchildren, who are little girls. So you’re around little girls, you know how delightful they are, two and four. So those things, sitting down to a meal with friends and I’m very lucky in that I have … I’m surrounded by a lot of people who share the beliefs that I share. And so we have not been afraid and we’ve gotten together and we have hugged and we have shared meals and all the rest of it.

Now we haven’t gone off to exotic climbs and come back home, but there’s a small group and we’ve all gotten together in meditation to see how we could serve. Maybe be a little bit active about 5G in the area. So that’s another key, which is like minded people. We are herd creatures, community equals immunity. And I think we need to really question this solitary confinement. That’s what you do for prisoners. So I certainly haven’t done that at all. So, pleasure, sleep, time for meditation, walking in the woods and I do Pilates twice a week. Obviously body movement, making sure my fascia is hydrated and in good shape, keeping the fitness level up. Those are non-negotiables


46:30 Fantastic. Well, I challenge our audience to dig deep into your message because everything that you have said during this conversation has just sparked a light bulb in my head. And it has connected me to previous conversations of guests that I’ve had with Bruce Lipton in terms of-


46:50 Oh, I love Bruce yeah.


46:52 So many different conversations. So there is … we can be so empowered with information, I think and we just need to turn the dials of a number of different, I guess ideas in our head around what we need to do to stay healthy. And we can shift the balance and live our best lives by just embracing what might be quite a different message to what we’re hearing from mainstream media. So I’m definitely so thankful for your conversation today. So what’s next for you? What have you got coming up perhaps this year? Which is … we’re halfway through it, it’s been a difficult year, but I imagine that you’re-


47:39 Well, what’s coming up. I’ve created an online women’s health course because at this point, in my opinion, you can’t trust mainstream medicine. So what are you going to do? You’re going to learn how to take care of this body. You don’t need a lot of outside help, it’s all right there. So that’s coming out in July. I’m finishing up revisions to the wisdom of menopause and that’ll be out next year. And then I’m looking forward to the sort of fertile void where I’m not quite sure what’s next, because I think, like I said, we’re all going through this upgrade and I believe that 2021 is going to be a whole new ball game for planet earth, but it’s going to be … we’re kind of like cleaning up after a big storm. That’s 2021. So we’re kind of in the … we’re in the cocoon, we’re all caterpillars have become green goo, the butterfly comes out end of


48:37 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, many people I think will be looking forward to that awakening, I think. Where can we send out our listeners if they want to tap into you and your messages, understand your books and your media?


48:55 Right, go right to Dr. Northrup, N-O-R-T-H-R-U-P N.com. Also, I have a big Facebook community. I do a daily, we call it the great awakening. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but drnorthrup.com, I’ve got an e-news. You sign up for that so that if Facebook bans me for some of my then you can always get me on my e-letter.


49:20 Yeah. We love Facebook [inaudible 00:49:23]. Okay. We’ll put that in with the show notes, including everything that we’ve spoken about today, but Dr. Northrup, thank you so much for your time, thoroughly enjoyed it, and certainly look forward to following your message from this point forward.


49:38 Thank you so much.


49:39 Thank you. Bye-bye.


49:39 Great, thank you. Bye.


Christiane Northrup

This podcast features Dr. Christiane Northrup. She is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, which includes the unity of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Internationally known for her empowering approach to women’s health and wellness, Dr. Northrup teaches women how to... Read More

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