Mario Brainovic – Everything You Need To Know About Structured Water

Content by: Mario Brainovic

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Stu: This week, I’m excited to welcome Mario Brainovic to the podcast. He is an entrepreneur, researcher, and CEO of Analemma, a company that enhances the properties and quality of drinking water by transforming it into a coherent liquid crystalline state. In this conversation, we discussed the finer details of structured water, the research behind it, and its impact on our health.

Audio Version

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • What is structured and coherent water and how are they different?
  • Explain how drinking structured water impacts our health?
  • How much research exists on the topic of structured water?

Get more of Mario Brainovic:

Save 10% of Analemma products with code: 180water

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The views expressed on this podcast are the personal views of the host and guest speakers and not the views of Bega Cheese Limited or 180 Nutrition Pty Ltd. In addition, the views expressed should not be taken or relied upon as medical advice. Listeners should speak to their doctor to obtain medical advice.

Disclaimer: The transcript below has not been proofread and some words may be mis-transcribed.

Full Transcript



Hey, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and welcome to another episode of the Health Sessions. It’s here that we connect with the world’s best experts in health, wellness, and human performance in an attempt to cut through the confusion around what it actually takes to achieve a long-lasting health. Now, I’m sure that’s something that we all strive to have. I certainly do. Before we get into the show today, you might not know that we make products, too. That’s right. We are into whole food nutrition and have a range of super foods and natural supplements to help support your day. If you are curious, want to find out more, just jump over to our website. That is and take a look. Okay, back to the show.


This week I’m excited to welcome Mario Brainovic to the podcast. Mario is an entrepreneur, researcher, and CEO of Analemma, a company that enhances the properties and quality of drinking water by transforming it into a coherent liquid crystalline state. In this conversation, we discussed the finer details of structured water, the research behind it, and its impact on our health. Over to Mario.



Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome Mario Brainovic to the podcast. Mario, how are you?



Doing good. Doing good. Thank you so much, Stu, for having me. Thank you so much.



Look, thank you so much for sharing some of your time today. Now, you are based in Croatia. I’m in Australia. So, you are bright eyed and starry eyed, and I’m a little bit bleary-eyed because it’s the end of my day. So, bear with me.



It’s morning here, and it’s actually a beautiful morning. So, yeah.



Oh, wonderful. Wonderful. So, first up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I’d love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself please.



So, I was always very passionate about health and wellness. I always had this intuitive knowing that the body has the potential to heal basically anything, that we are created perfectly, so to speak. And I was always very, very interested in finding ways to assist that natural process in a powerful way. I opened a natural pharmaceutical company where I helped thousands of people with amazing, amazing products for many years, and it was a really gratifying experience. I really loved it. And after a decade of doing that, I sold the whole business to Walgreens.






And then, after that, I was in a place where I want to immerse myself in something which should truly be for the highest good of all. Something that will help, not just people, but help animals, help plants, help the entire planet that we live on. And then, it just happened that way that I was introduced to Analemma project, which checked all the boxes.






And this water, as I mentioned already to you, this water truly is a blessing, and I’m really looking forward to share the whole story behind it because this water has a powerful impact on any area of human health, plant health, and actually has a planetary impact, as well. So, we’ll touch upon all of those topics during this podcast, and I’m really excited to share everything.



Fantastic. Well, me too, because water is a big deal. So, we all know that our body is made up of a large percentage of water, and it’s super important to be hydrated. But at the same time, it’s important to access the minerals or minerals in water, if we can. Hence, mineral water versus sparkling water versus tap water versus filtered water. And now, we are seeing easy water, structured water, and we’re going to talk about what that truly means today. But I guess my first question is what’s just wrong with tap water, standard tap water? Why can’t we just go the tap and just drink it by the glass and feel happy that we’re doing the right thing?



Yeah, yeah. So, just to explain a little bit. You mentioned most people are aware that we are 70% water and mass. I mean, 70% water is a lot. But what a lot of people don’t understand, and actually aren’t aware, that 99% of our molecules are water.






99%. There is only 1% of heavy molecules.



Wow. Wow.



99% of our molecules. So, we are basically very clever H2O. When you look from that perspective, there is an enormous importance about water, and nobody actually is really talking about it. So, you mentioned tap water. People usually go to the chemical composition, and then we are talking about all the chemicals that are put in the water to prevent bacterial overgrowth and heavy metals and the whole thing. But nobody actually talked about true power water, where true power water is being unleashed. So, tap water, and we actually tested almost any water on the planet. Water currently exists in, what we call, a chaotic state.






H2O molecules in drinking water behave chaotically. They crash into each other constantly. All of this happens on an atomic level, so nobody’s really aware of it. This chaos has a profound influence on our health, even though we are completely unaware of that. But water, the natural state of water, the empowered state of water is when H2O molecules behave harmonically, when they colloquially join hands, and they form a liquid crystalline structure. We found a way to create a very, very, very stable liquid crystalline structure within water. When you swirl the Analemma through the water, all of those H2O molecules start forming this very special liquid crystalline structure. And that’s where true power water is being unleashed. So, it doesn’t have anything to do with the chemical part of the whole thing. It has everything to do with the coherent state. So, to explain it in a simple way. If you take a light bulb of five watts, it will give you some light. But if you take a five watt laser, it will actually drill a hole through a table.






So, a laser is a coherent form of light, and in the same way you have a coherent form of water. And that’s where true power water is being unleashed.



How would this ever come about? And I look at it from a Luddites perspective. Here’s a glass of water. So, water’s water. Well, I can flavor it, I can heat it, I can cool it. Where did the thought about the structure and the composition and the harmony of water at that cellular level actually come from?



It’s very interesting. Back in the day, water kept itself coherent because when you have a river, you have this left and right vortexes.






And then, water preserved this particular coherent state. And when you just drank from it or from the well-






… then you received the benefit of the water as it was intended to be.






But due to various environmental issues, everything that’s happening on the planet in the last I don’t know how many decades-






… that coherence was completely lost. Now, to actually even find this original coherent state of water, you would really have to go somewhere very remote-



Yeah, right.



… and find a natural well, and there you will find it.



Right, okay.



But where is the trick? We actually tested it.






When you take that water out, within a very short period of time, water molecules go back into chaos.



Right. And I guess the well nowadays is probably situated next to the radioactive power plant.



Yes. And we have the whole 4G, 5G because we really saw that-






… these EMFs have a really detrimental effect on the stability of water. So, the water loses vitality and goes deeper into the chaos. So, that’s also one element, which is truly important. And that’s why we believe that this water emerged because we need it. We have this huge situation of EMFs, and it’s just getting denser and denser.






So, we need a way to preserve the original state of water so humans can actually maintain their proper health.



So, water that maintains the structure, I guess, that that’s known as structured water or coherent water? Are they the same thing?



Well, this is very interesting. We are calling it coherent water because we realize that there are coherent domains within water. Because within the scientific community, the water scientific community is rather small. So, everybody knows everybody. And there are these water conferences where all the scientists all over the world come once a year, and then everybody debates on what is this, what is that? And there were various hypotheses on the whole thing. That’s why, even though we did all the tests, we did the infrared, the ultraviolet visual spectroscopy biophoton, we did all of that. But we decided to zero in on the biological effects. We wanted to see what are the effects of the water on biological systems. So, this was our main thing. But anyhow, in the community there was debate around the term structured.



Right. Got it.



That’s why, since we created something very special and we actually realize that there are these coherent domains within water, when water comes together, so to speak, that’s why we decided to call it that way. So, in truth, structured water and coherent water should be the same. But to be honest, I don’t think there is even a single company on the planet that invested so much in science as our company so that you can actually say, “Okay, this is actually it.”



So, let’s talk about that then. Because I know that clinical studies and trials and research and all of those things are very costly and time-consuming, as well.



Yes, yes.



So, tell us about the research, then, that you guys-



Oh, man. We actually launched last year, after more than a decade-






… of really hardcore research. So, in the beginning, over a decade ago, how it actually happened, our two founders, Dr. Eric Laarakker and Dolf Zantinge, they realized, okay, there’s something wrong happening on the planet. And they really wanted to zero in on what would be the solution to the whole thing. And very soon, they actually picked up a lab from a famous German professor, Professor Fritz Popp, and he developed this technology of biophoton research where he realized that every single living thing exudes light, and you need very, very delicate technology that can pick up that light. So, you can measure the vitality of any living thing through it. So, it’s amazing. But anyhow, very soon into the research, Dr. Eric Laarakker and Dolf Zantinge realized the secret lies water very soon into the research.


And then, everything went in. And we actually took a huge greenhouse where, for the first couple of years exclusively, we did research on plants, and the results were phenomenal. So, what happens when you water plants with Analemma water, and we did always a control. We watered the same plants with regular water, and the results? Tomatoes grown with Analemma water exudes 60% more light. They have 60% more vitality-






… than the tomatoes watered with regular water. So, true power water, as I mentioned, is being unleashed. But I want to take one step back because I know it’s getting technical, but you mentioned that your listeners are very scientific oriented. So, this whole topic is people need to understand what water is and why it behaves the way it behaves. So, water is a broadband absorber, receiver, and transmitter of energy. Water is going to pick up what is the most dominant frequency around, be it positive or negative.






And that’s why it’s so important that we treat water with reverence. Otherwise, all of the frequencies that are around water, if they’re negative, we are going to end up consuming it. So, we found a way to bring water into most dominant positive state. It takes one full year for us to create, what we call, the mother water. So, it’s the water that has the most dominantly positive frequency. And what we did, we put it into a crystal vial. Crystal serves as a superconductor, nothing more. So, it transmits, let’s say, the frequency of mother water without any loss.


So, when you take that crystal vial filled with mother water and swirl through the water, any H2O molecule, since water is a broadband absorber, receiver, and transmitter of frequency, any H2O molecule that comes into close proximity to the mother water starts to mimic its exact structure. That’s why you get, when you swirl the Analemma through the water, you get the same water that is inside the vial. You get the mother water in your glass, and when you drink it, you have all the benefit. So, just wanted to explain how it actually happens. It’s so elegant, yet it’s so powerful.



And so, the technology that takes a year to create the coherent water that then goes into the crystal vial, are you allowed to divulge a little bit more into? No?



Not really



No? Okay.



Because there are a couple of scientists that developed various ways. Vortexing is one, some are using some form of crystals, some are using electricity and magnetic fields. We didn’t use any of those methods because we realized, and we tested, basically, everything that exists, exactly the same thing happens as when you go into the forest and find a well. The water loses its structure, the water goes back into chaos between a couple of minutes and a day and a half-






… when you use those methods.






Our method is something completely different. And the result of that is that with just one swirl, with just one treatment of the water, we now measured it consecutively five years. Five years, that single water with just one treatment never lost its state of coherence. So, the stability of it is extraordinary, and we actually really did many things to it to try to push it out of the state of coherence. We radiated it, we did all kinds of things, and it always bounced back. It always bounced back.



That is fascinating. So, tell me a little bit about, then, the research on human health.



Yeah, perfect. So, since we saw, as I mentioned, we saw this extraordinary rise in vitality of plants.






So, we wanted to see, because everything in nature is connected. We wanted to see how does that correlate with human health-






… and will we observe the rise in human energy? So, we decided to launch an ATP study.






So, adenosine triphosphate. So, it’s the primary energy currency of the cell.






So, the ATP powers every single cellular process in our body, including muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, biochemical reactions. ATP is critical for cognitive performance. If you have high ATP levels in your body, you are going to have a much sharper mind, you’re going to have much better memory. So, entire cognitive performance is going to be much higher than if you have lower ATP levels. So, our method was really interesting. There is this thing called luciferase, which is an enzyme that catalyzes the light production in bioluminescent organisms. And due to its extraordinary sensitivity, you can measure intercellular ATP in animals and in humans. So, we did the baseline test where we saw what is the baseline ATP level of people in the study.


It was a double-blind placebo controlled study. And people had just drank a liter and a half of water a day for two months without changing anything else in their world. They didn’t change their diets, they didn’t change the exercise regime, they didn’t change anything. And then, we did another test after two months, and there was a significant rise in ATP levels when people drank this water. We’re talking about a 20% rise of entire cellular energy of your body, increased by 20% within just two months of drinking the water. So, this has really profound implications on basically any area of your health as we already explained and touched upon.



My word. Well, look. You’ve sold me. You’ve sold me. Well, I’ve had other conversations-



That’s one study. There are many more-






… but this one is really, really powerful. Really, really powerful. I mean, all of them are. But we had so many oh, my God moments in research where you realize that, just by drinking the water, the right kind of water, not regular water-






… you are actually really tackling so many things in our biology.



So, let’s talk about then the company and the technology. So, the company is Analemma, and the technology is referred to as the Analemma as well, isn’t it? You’re creating Analemma Water-






… with the-






… crystallized wand with the coherent water inside.



Yes. There are now many more applications. We are now having whole house system where people-






… and the results of that, we have to touch upon that, as well. So, it’s a whole different thing. Yeah.



So, in terms of the use of the wand, is that the correct term? Not the ward, the vial?



Yeah. People usually call it the wand.



The wand. Okay. So, in terms of the wand, how long would I need to stir or circulate the water, if I had a jug of water with the wand-






… to pour in order to get coherent water from the jug?



So, for a three deciliter glass water, you have to stir it for 15 to 30 seconds.






And if you have a jug water or liter, then you have to swirl it for, let’s say, a minute. But that’s why we now created the whole house system where you just install in the piping system of your house and just open a faucet, and it’s already coherent.



Oh, lord.



But this was the first thing that we came up with. And it’s awesome because it’s very portable. People can carry it wherever they’re going. So, if you go to a restaurant, you can use it. If you’re traveling, you can use it and carry it with you.



And how long will it last?









Really. Just so you know, it’s a jewel. You need to take care of it.






I had a lot of them around, of course, since I’m the CEO of the company. But when I broke mine, I was so bummed.



Yeah, no doubt.



Because really is a jewel.






But it’s very fragile. Since we needed to make it out of a very thin crystal lattice, you need to take care of it. If it drops, it will break.



And in terms of the water that it has treated, how long will that water stay in a state of coherence if, for instance, I treated a standard jug of water.



As I mentioned, we did five years consecutive research. And for five years, it never lost its state of coherence. So, I can say five years, but, as we see now, it’s virtually forever.






But just the test that we did, we did five consecutive years. And every single year, next year, we’re going to do another test so then we can make a claim. Okay, it will stay 100% in that state at least five years. But we hypothesize it’ll be forever because it never lost its state of coherence.



Yeah. Wow. I am fascinated by that. The implications of that are profound. And what about other fluids? Now, I would imagine, and look, I’m a T total, but I’d imagine there’d be people out there thinking, “You know what, I’m going to take my cherished bottle of wine to the next level.” Is that something?



Yep. And just so you know, you are very right. We actually made wine coherent, beer coherent. If it has H2O molecules-






… this is an interesting thing. If it has H2O molecules and when you swirl through any liquid that has H2O molecules, those molecules will form this very special liquid crystalline state.



Okay. And I’m guessing you said that you’ve got household products now that essentially-



Whole house. Yeah, whole house Analemma where you can just install it in your house, and it’ll create coherent water for your entire home.



And so, tell me about the other side of the coin, then, in terms of the water that I’m using for personal hygiene as opposed to drinking. How important is that?



Yes. That’s where it really gets interesting. This is the most recent research. We wanted to do a study. What will happen when people take a bath in this water.






So, skin is the largest organ in the body, and it can absorb a lot of water, but it actually goes even further than that. There are different pathways, let’s call it, that way. So, the early results we have with this are really phenomenal. So, I cannot go into too much of a detail because the study is not complete.






But we are doing the study in America now. There is a doctor which is compiling all results. But we are talking about cardiac output, stroke volume of the heart, blood viscosity, everything gets improved just by laying down in Analemma lemon water.






Nothing more. 20 minutes. You just have to lie down and take a bath for 20 minutes in Analemma water, and entire biology will start to improve. So, the way we see it is if you spend one hour in water, your entire body will absorb up to a liter of liquid just by laying down in the bathtub. But, as I mentioned, we are hypothesizing that there is much more to it. We’re talking about different pathways. So, the state of coherence, everything that is electromagnetic in your body is going to react immediately and the rest of biology is just going to follow. Now is the time to actually mention one of our early studies. Where does this water give you the fastest result? We did a double-blind study with identical twins. So, they’re genetically identical. This is the golden standard of the study so you can measure what happens with one twin in contrast to another.


So, the doctor administering the test didn’t know which one was which, which water was which, and the twins didn’t know. And we gave regular water to one and Analemma water to another, and we observed the EEG. We watched the state of their brainwaves. As soon as the twin that drank Analemma water took a sip of the water, there was an almost instant better connection between the left and the right hemisphere of the brain, an instant cooling effect on the brainwaves. So, this is something which is logical when you look at it because brainwaves are electromagnetic, and we are talking about water which has powerful electromagnetic properties, let’s call it that way.


And it happens instantly, almost instantly. And it’s incredible to observe. The other twin, of course, nothing changed. It just took the regular water and brainwaves stayed the same. Everything stayed the same. There was no change. And then, a couple of weeks later, we actually did another test, and we gave water to another twin. And of course, we had the same effect on it. And the other one who drank regular water, nothing happened. So, that was a really powerful proof that something biologically remarkable happens when people drink this water.



So, a question here, and it’s a personal question. So, I spend a lot of time in the ocean, lucky enough to be able to get in the ocean almost every day. And I like getting in the ocean because it makes me feel great. And from a coherent perspective, is the ocean, or parts of the ocean, or all of the ocean coherent, semi coherent, or in just a state of distress?



I’m going to hypothesize here because it’s very hard to say anything without thorough research.






But definitely there are places, I’m truly beyond confident that there are places on the planet where oceans and seas are basically still untouched.






And it definitely will have a healing effect on your body. So that’s a given.






But as I mentioned, given the state of the world and everything that is happening, you really have to find those places-






… and then build your house there-



Yeah. Yeah.



… so you can actually get benefit. That’s why we believe that this technology emerged so that any person on the planet. I don’t know, maybe it’s not scientific to say it anyway. We believe that mother earth is the hidden voice of this project because people need it now. Everybody needs to have water that can help them pass through these times. We are having crises all over the planet, and we’re having food crisis, EMFs, everything that is happening on the planet, we need as much help as we can. And this is the natural state of water, the state the water should be where the true power of water is being unleashed. So, just by drinking the water, people will have a powerful assistant to a body’s natural repairing system.



Absolutely. Yeah. I’m excited. I am excited about this because I like to try and consume or drink good quality water. So, yes, I filter, and we’ve got reverse osmosis, and I like mineral water. But what you’re saying is completely different. And I like the idea I might be able to test that on myself through things like heart rate variability and a lot of other metrics, as well.



Yes, yes, yes, please do. Please do this. You’re going to have a ball with it. We are actually very excited when we are testing something. So, we are always excited to see what’s going to happen. And since we had, as I mentioned, so many of those moments that the level of enthusiasm when we are doing the study is really high. I have to mention one, also, beautiful study. So, when we take one step back, we are really concerned with the state of the soil on the planet.






So, agricultural giants are basically destroying the soil. So, the quality of the soil and the fertility of the soil dropped tremendously. When you look at it, spinach 15 years ago had 80% more nutrients than spinach today.






So, that’s a clear picture of where the world it is today. So what we did, we took this completely destroyed soil, which is completely infertile. You couldn’t grow anything on it. And one part of it, we watered with regular water and one part of it we watered with Analemma water, and then we observed the results. The part that was watered with regular water, nothing happened. It just stayed the same. And in the part that was watered with Analemma water, there was a huge explosion in the biodiversity of the microbiome of the soil, so much so, that the bacteria started to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere into the soil where it belongs.



My word.



So, the soil became fertile. But there is one element to it, which is also extraordinary. When the rain falls, the minerals are being washed out of the soil in deeper parts of the earth. But with Analemma water, when you water soil with Analemma water, there is a huge retainment of the minerals on the top layer of the soil. So, all of those minerals actually end up into fruits and veggies. So, this is the first part of the story, which is exciting by itself. But then, we wanted to see, okay, what’s going to happen when people drink this water in terms of microbiome? Because science, in the last decade and a half, realized there is a huge connection between the state of microbiome and basically any area of the health.






We’re talking about mental health, not just digestive health, immune health, neurological health, cardiovascular health. Everything is connected to the state of microbiome. So, we did double-blind placebo controlled study where we did a baseline test where we measured the state of microbiome. We did what is called the dysbiosis index. So, dysbiosis index measures the degree of deviation within the microbiome, taking into account all the different material, fila, and species and their weighing factor.


So, we did a baseline test. People were drinking Analemma water for under three months, and a liter and a half a day without changing anything else in their world. And we had, on average, 17% improvement on dysbiosis index over the placebo. And when we compared the Analemma group to the placebo group, the Analemma group performed 38% better. So, when people drink this water, the microbiome changes in a positive way. We are now actually preparing with a smaller sample study. So, we are now going to do much larger study, also double-blind placebo controlled, just to reinforce that results because implications of that are huge, as I mentioned.



Yeah, absolutely. And microbiome isn’t an easy area to optimize quickly, at least. It takes time, often years.



Exactly. And that’s why it was a very short study. And even with this short study and a smaller sample, we got good results. So, that’s why we are hoping that, when we do six month study or more, that we can expect even much better results. But these results are actually, as it is, a really incredible marker of where your microbiome grows when you drink this water.



Yeah, that’s fantastic. Yeah, it’s profound. So, tell me about temperature changes, ice, heat, boiling water, things like that. Will that change the coherence?



What we observed is when there is a boiling point, those bonds will loosen, let’s call it that way. But as soon as the water cools down, at least in Analemma water-






… those bonds come back together.






That’s why it’s so cool because we’ve observed that, when you radiate this water, those bonds are going to be affected.






But as soon as you stop for some reason, which is amazing, all the other water just remains in chaos, but these bonds come together. So again, they form this very special liquid crystalline state. That’s the main difference. The main difference is in Analemma water is stability. The resilience actually increases dramatically. I can tell you that we did several generations when we were growing tomatoes with it. We grew one generation of tomato with Analemma water. We took out the seed, planted it, and we did it for three generations. After three generations, tomatoes almost don’t need no pesticides. They became so resilient that you don’t even almost need no pesticides on it.



My word. Wow. And so-






… why Analemma? So, tell me, the name, where does that come from?



It’s really interesting. Analemma is actually the power symbol of the sun. What we realized is when you take a photo of the sun from one place of the earth for 365 days, you are going to get this beautiful infinity sign on the sky.






This symbol is called Analemma. In our research, we realized that water loves the sun. Water changes electromagnetically every single day due to position of the sun towards the earth. That’s why we called it Analemma. It’s interesting, we always say that you should expose the Analemma through the sun, even though it’s not necessary. It’ll never lose its coherence or its ability to create coherent water. But since we know the relation and the connection between water and the sun, we always say to people, just expose it to the sun now and then.






I have one anecdote which is really, really fun. When we did this GlycanAge study, I can actually talk about that study. That’s another study that we did on humans. We told people to expose the Analemma to the sun. And this lady, she placed her an Analemma in this small garden with very short plants on the same spot. She just put it there. And after a month and a half, she sent me a photo. It’s like you drew a circle in this garden, and around the Analemma in that circle, plants grew inch, inch and a half taller than any other in the garden. So, this is also a very visual and powerful representative that this water does something profound to any biological system, not just humans, which we tested. But this was something really visual. You see the Analemma in the middle and you see the circle around it. You could see the radius, electromagnetic radius of the effect, which is very, very visual.



And what are the far ranging implications in terms of the technology that you may be thinking about using in the future? Because, obviously, outside of the crystal vial, there are a whole heap of things that you could break in through.



Yes. Yes. And we are. We are now, actually, since we understand the whole problem of the soil and on the agriculture produce, it really is appalling what people are reading today. We are now investing really a lot on agriculture studies. People in the biodynamic and organic community are going to immediately embrace the idea and understand the whole value of it. But large agriculture companies, they care only about two things, yield and shelf life. We already know that we have shelf life because the vitality of it is off the charts.


So, just that is going to be a huge selling point for them. But we also want to prove yield. That’s why we are investing so much into this. And then, it’s not a business model. We just want to change the quality of the food. Because if we do, if large agriculture companies decide to go with our technology, everyone will get the benefit.






Soil will get the benefit, which is hugely important for the planet, the quality of produce is going to be exponentially better, and people will get all of that energy that ends up in produce ends up in ourselves.



Yes, everyone wins.



So, in this, we are really kind of changing a lot. And the other thing, which is also hugely important, as I mentioned, since the microbiome of the soil changes and the bacteria starts to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere is the most elegant way to treat the greenhouse gases issue that we have, the CO2. CO2 doesn’t belong in the atmosphere. It actually belongs in the soil. But we haven’t found a way planetary wise to bring this CO2 into the soil. With this water, it actually becomes extraordinary possibility. And you don’t have to do a lot. You just water large chunks of earth with it, and the microbiome changes and the CO2 goes back into the soil.


So, this is also one planetary implication of this water, which can really help the whole environment. And the mission statement of our company is to make all bodies of water on the planet coherent. We actually developed technology that you can install in the wells of the biggest rivers because water is the blood of this planet. And if we bring it into coherent state, then plant life, animal life is going to thrive. We are going to thrive because of it. And all of that water is going to end up in the oceans. Then, oceans are going to become coherent and then the entire planet.



Yeah. Well, when you were talking about the oceans and the rivers, I’m thinking, well, how would that impact marine life?



In the most wonderful, beautiful way possible. According to all of our research-






… as I mentioned, water is a broadband absorber, receiver, and transmitter of frequency of energy. And if you have something which is dominantly positive, water will always pick up the dominant frequency. So, if you have negative frequency, it’ll just pick up the negative frequency.






If you have dominantly positive frequency, all of the frequencies, even though they’re negative, they’re not going to impact the water. It’ll always pick the highest frequency available. That’s why it’s elegant, if you know what I mean. That’s why in this way, you are ensuring the benefit. And that’s why we are invested so much into research because we know implications. Humans, animals, plants-






… they thrive when exposed to this water. And it’s just so interesting how everything, all life, exists in water, and small changes in water have profound effects. Russian scientists, I don’t know if you’re aware of it, it’s really interesting. They did this low voltage electricity with fish.






So, they took a fish tank and took a certain kind of small fish, and they’ve actually run low voltage electricity through the water. And what happened is that fish themselves became genetically different. So, generations of fish started to look and behave differently just because you had this electric influence on water. So, you can imagine how small change in water could have profound effect-






… on biology.



And just rewinding back to Analemma and the wand, specifically, thinking along the lines of dose dependency. So, let’s say I received a Analemma wand and I think, “You know what? I’m going to go hell for leather on this because I like it so much. I’m going to drink double the amount of water. I’m going to have a bath in this and a shower when I get home, and I’m going to drink more water.” Can you get too much of a good thing?



You cannot. That’s the thing. I don’t drink any of the water.






And I drink a lot of water. I don’t drink any other. When you get the benefit, you don’t want to drink any water.






Why would you? All of this energy. This is also one interesting thing you heard about Dr. Jarek Polak and his easy water exclusion zone water. So, he was the first one who realized, okay, there is electric potential within water of anywhere between 115 and 300 millivolts. And what we realize is when you swirl the Analemma through the water, that electric potential jumps by 300%. So, energy is being unleashed in the water, and when you drink the water, all that energy ends up in your cells and then your body, which we proved with this ATP study.


So, you cannot overdose. Of course, if you drink seven liters of water at once, that’s not a healthy thing to do. But if you’re drinking regular amounts, as much as you are drinking, there is only benefit to have. And as I mentioned, I’m going to definitely share with you, we’re doing now a hundred people study on when people take baths in it.






So, it’s a completely different thing. And that’s why I encourage people to take the whole house system because it’s very hard to swirl for one hour through the bathtub with all the water-



No, that’s right.



… to get it coherent. But in this way, you just open a faucet, you fill your bathtub, and you lie in it and that’s it.



I think you’re going to shake up the float tank industry.



Well, when people see the results, it’s going to be really huge. That’s why we are going big. We’re doing 100 people study with various markets. So, all of the markets are inside and everybody can do them. And it’s very repeatable.






So, every single person, I don’t know how many people already did the test. Every single person has the benefit. Now, it’s just a matter of in which percentage, where you are the weakest? There you have the highest result, which isn’t it fantastic how intelligent our system is?



It is. Yeah, it is very interesting. And I was having a chat with a friend today who likened water to having a memory. So, it’s like a memory card, like water remembers.






And in terms of then coherent water, could we break that structure by doing something that is non-coherent, whether it be lots of anger, lots of anguish and anger or vibrations, or something that’s a very unpleasant for a very long time. Could that upset the coherence of the Analemma wand?



No, that’s the beauty of it. As I mentioned, since water is a broadband absorber, receiver, and transmitter of energy, it’s going to pick up the most dominant frequency.






We did many things to push it out of the state of coherence, and we didn’t manage. Even if it loses their bonds for a second, it comes back. It just bounces back. As soon as the “negative influence” vanishes, they go back to the state of coherence, which doesn’t happen with basically any other water that we tested or structured water device that we tested. For some reason it’s very, very, very stable. I love that you mentioned this because water truly, truly does have memory.






And not only that, it has intelligence. That’s why it’s so important how we treat water. I believe that all the religions on the planet have this thing where, before you eat a meal, you say a prayer. I believe that is the reason because you are actually influencing the water, which is basically what we are eating. You see food, it’s a hard food, but the main content is still water inside, and that water changes when you send a positive frequency to it. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a famous Japanese scientist, he actually was one of the pioneers. He explained the memory of water. There is this incredibly well known experiment that anybody on the planet can do. And thousands and thousands of people did it, which something you can do by yourself.


You just take two glasses and fill them with rice, and put the same water inside. And to one, Masaru expressed love, and to the other one he expressed negative emotions, hatred, anger, whatever. And after 10 days, the one that he expressed love to, it was the same water and it was the same rice. The only difference was the intention, the energy that was sent to it. This one that was expressed love to had this beautiful fermented smell of rice and you could eat it after 10 days. And the one that there was negative emotions expressed to it was rotten and had the bad smell to it.



My word.



So, this clearly shows you, and anybody can do the experiment. It’s very easy to do. This shows you that water has intelligence.






It has, exactly like you mentioned, memory. It reacts to the external stimuli.






And when you give it the most dominant positive frequency, it will not lose its benefit. Let’s go with that, mate.



Well, I don’t think that there’ll be anyone listening to this that won’t want to find out more and jump on this train and test, experiment, consume. What do we do? Where do we go? How can we get more information?



It’s very, very easy. You just go to





(49:29) And I invite people to jump on our newsletter because we’re constantly doing a lot of research. And that’s the way you can really get information as soon as we have new results coming out. Because, as I mentioned, we are really doing a lot of research in various directions. So, that’s a way to always be in touch with our latest research. And of course, people can buy the product and get the benefit.






So, for now, we are having a regular Analemma, which is this portable one-






… which you can carry anywhere, and people can jump on and do a pre-order now because we are now launching the whole house system.






And this whole house system is really exciting. As I mentioned, we have incredible results with it. And when you have a whole house system, you don’t have to swirl. You can drink the water and take baths in it, as well.






That one is a bit more expensive, of course. But our whole thing is we knew that we could put very high price on it, but we decided that we want to price it in a way that almost every single person on the planet can buy it. And even if you buy just the water stick, water wand, which is the retail price is $180, it’ll actually create coherent water for life. You just have to treat it like a jewel-






… and be careful not to drop it. But since I was bummed when I broke mine, even though I have a lot of them, whoever breaks it in that particular way-






… we’re giving 50% off on the next purchase because I know the pain.



Yeah. Wow. Mario, that is wonderful. So, we’re coming up on time. What’s next? What have you got in the pipeline?



So, we are going to be coming up in a couple of months, I’m guessing, with a beautiful decanter for water.






So, you just put the water inside, and it’ll make it coherent. So, that’s the next application. We’re having various agriculture applications. We’re going to have garden on Analemma coming out also in couple of months. A lot of people are now growing their own food, and we are really expecting a lot of people because this is the way to grow food. You’re exponentially, especially if you’re doing it for yourself, there isn’t a thing out there that could so profoundly change the quality of the produce. So, we are going to have that, as well.


We are looking at, since the ATP changes, in time, mitochondrial energy changes, we believe that a lot of sport people, athletes will like to get on board because this increases your entire energy of your body. So, we are going to create sport bottles. There are a lot of things happening, but we are really venturing in various areas, but we can do so much at a time. So, the best way to follow our work, come to the website. We’re doing many, many things, various applications coming on, and that’s why we were saying, you mentioned, we are calling it the water revolution. It really is water revolution. It’s going to change the planet.



Yeah, absolutely. It sounds like it will. Fantastic. I am in awe of everything that you’ve told me and very keen to investigate further. So, Mario, thank you so much for your time. We’ll put all the details that we’ve spoken about today in the show notes, and we’ll share it with as many people as we possibly can. But, yeah, I am very, very fascinated to learn so much more about this. It’s fantastic.



Thank you. Thank you, Stu, so much. Thank you for having me, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to share the magic of this water with the world.



Oh, I can’t wait. Thank you. Thank you. Bye-bye.



Thanks so much.


Mario Brainovic

This podcast features Mario Brainovic. He is an entrepreneur, researcher, and CEO of Analemma, a company that enhances the properties and quality of drinking water by transforming it into a coherent liquid crystalline state. In this conversation, we discussed the finer details of structured water, the research behind it, and... Read More

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