10 Foods Which Can Lead to Bad Skin

Content by: 180 Nutrition

180 Nutrition: The food you eat has a great impact upon your health in every way conceivable. One of the links you may not have made is between your diet and the condition of your skin: skincare is usually associated with the outside environment, stress, and the use of products such as makeup and moisturizer. However, the evidence suggests that they are particular foods which can wreak havoc with your skin. Here are ten such example:


This one is well known, particularly the processed kind, and is the reason why products such as chocolate, candy and carbonated drinks are public enemy number one when it comes to good skincare (and healthy teeth of course). Then there are other foods such as processed meats and dinners which have equally high-concentrated levels of sugar which can have a terrible impact on your skin, and we will mention some more of these specifically later.

Why is sugar so bad for your skin?

“There are various reasons, but one of the most profound is the way sugar can lead to a spike in your blood sugar levels. This in turn creates enzymes which then attack healthy elements in your body such as collagen and elastin. The result of that is wrinkles, and skin which appears to sag (giving you the look of an older person). There you have it, sugar can make you look older, and not in a good way,” warns Tina Sampras, a lifestyle writer at Boom Essays and Academized.


Nothing divides people quite like milk. There are those who preach its life-giving qualities, while there are others who are convinced that it is the root of all dietary equals. The truth, as ever, lies somewhere in the between, but there is little doubt that milk can have a detrimental impact on the condition of your skin.

The problem, of course, is not so much the milk itself. Or lets put this another way, if you could guarantee that the cow that produced the milk ate nothing but grass and was never injected with harmful growth hormones, then the milk you consume would be as healthy as anything. The reality is that most milk is produced by cows which are fed badly and pumped full of harmful chemicals which work exclusively to the addition of profits. These harmful substances can find their way into your bloodstream through the consumption of milk, and then perform all manner of nasty tasks and increase the occurrence of oils which emanate from the skin (such as during puberty).


Most breakfast cereals are jam-packed with sugar. Did you know that? And we’ve already been through the harmful consequences of sugar on your skin, so say no more on this one.


Along with processed sugars, refined carbohydrates are a particular nasty where your skin is concerned. The reasons are very much similar to sugar, with an increase in the number of lines on your skin, as well as sagginess, the result. Chips are overloaded with these kinds of carbs, so keep consumption down.

Fast food

This one is obvious. What are two of the most common nasties found in fast food? Sugar and refined carbohydrates. And we know what that means, don’t we? Yep, older looking skim, and outbreaks of adult acne too.

Dairy products

Dairy products contain milk, so there you have it.

However, it doesn’t mean that you have to stay well clear of all those products you love, such as cheese and yoghurt. Organic milk can be a healthy alternative, because its those chemicals such as growth hormones that we really want to stay clear off. This is particularly true in adolescent years, and these types of foods may really add to outbreaks of acne for teenagers.

“Dehydration is bad for your skin, as it removes essential water which helps to maintain moisturization. Becoming dehydrated removes this liquid and the result is dry, flaky skin, which can also become blotchy. Alcohol, especially in large quantities, seriously dehydrates, and poor skin is just one of the horrible consequences,” says Debbie Cohen, a health blogger at Australian Reviewer and BestAustralianWriters.


Once again, salt can dehydrate, so see alcohol for the nasty consequences on your skin.


The syrup made from this natural product is often touted as a great healthy substitute for sugar, but it is incredibly high in fructose (which you will have noticed is often used in shampoos to keep you hair hydrated and shiny). Fructose will result in oily skin which is a breeding ground for spots.


Some fats are great for your skin, some aren’t. Unfortunately, the types of fats found in margarine – trans fats – dehydrate you. And we all know what that means!


Good skincare involves any number of activities, from regular cleaning with the right products, to exercise, and exposure (and protection from) the sun. However, the food you eat can be just as influential. In moderation, all of these foods will have little impact, but always consider the impact of your diet on every aspect of your physical and mental wellbeing.

Nora Mork is a lifestyle journalist and blog editor at Paper Fellows and Custom writing service. She shares her knowledge by writing posts for blogs, and by teaching at OX Essays service.

180 Nutrition

This article was curated by 180 Nutrition who were founded in March 2010 with the goal to offer the very best in natural health supplements and resources. The passionate team are aligned with leading health and wellness professionals including nutritionists, naturopaths, functional medicine and exercise specialists. They regularly connect with... Read More

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