The health benefits of nuts & seeds.

Content by: Guy Lawrence

The advantages of nuts and seeds lie in their healthy fatty acids, which fight cell oxidation, resulting from free radicals, stress and inflammation. Such fats protect our cells from damage and carcinogens.

Because they contain powerful phytocompounds, nutrients, amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids that combat harmful fats, they are considered the ideal food for cardiovascular health. They protect the arteries from hardening, clots, and plaque buildup and keep them flexible, reducing the risk of heart attacks, hypertension and stroke.

Today, I shall start with some of the most commonly used nuts in our kitchens in order to reveal their nutritive and curative properties.

Almonds are an important source of vitamin E, very much needed for the vascular and nervous systems, heart and brain. While some nuts are acidifying, almonds are alkalizing to the blood. They are necessary for vascular and skin elasticity. Magnesium in the nuts helps regulate heartbeat and high blood pressure. Taken along with cinnamon and chromium, almonds control the activity of blood sugar. Blood sugar surges harm the system by triggering the onset of diabetes type 2. The essential fats in the nut enhance cognitive skills and stimulate the reproductive system. They also offer certain B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and zinc for building and maintaining strong bones. Almonds cleanse the liver; help healing and repairing skin and increase muscle mass.

Almonds contain good amounts of healthy fats, vitamins B and E, fiber, minerals, phytochemicals and amino acids. Their fatty acids activate the metabolism and help burn body fat. Don’t be surprised; consuming healthy fats breaks down “dangerous” body fat around the waistline. They also keep hunger at bay as a snack in small amounts with dried fruits.

Due to its vitamin E and healthy fat contents,  walnut is recommended for lowering “harmful” low density lipoprotein (LDL) and raising the “healthy” high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. It also regulates overall cholesterol. The nuts maintain the flexibility of the vascular walls usually narrowed and hardened by plaque and high blood pressure.

Recent studies on rats indicate that almonds due to their fiber content appear to protect against colon cancer. Apart from the fiber, the bitterness of the skin gives medicinal benefits. Soaking it overnight improves their digestibility and increases the nutrient content of the nuts.

Bitter almonds have anti-cancer compounds like amygdaline; but their consumption should not exceed one or two kernels.

Almonds, peanuts and walnuts offer an important amino acid called arginine. The amino acid slows down the development of tumors and cancer and bolsters the immune defenses by enhancing the activity of the thymus gland, which produces killer T cells. They are particularly helpful for those who suffer from suppressed immune systems and AIDS.

One of collagen’s components is arginine, which helps rebuild bones, tendons and connective tissue and speeds scar healing. The amino acid retains the elasticity of skin, blood vessels and arteries, enhancing blood flow; regulating hypertension and slowing the ageing process.

Traditionally, almonds relieve cough; break up phlegm and lubricate the intestines to prevent constipation. Almond oil massage is recommended to nourish and soften skin and hair.

Increase you almond intake with 180 natural protein superfood.


Guy Lawrence

This article is brought to you by Guy Lawrence. Guy is a qualified fitness trainer with over 10 years of experience in the health industry. Guy worked at the UTS Fitness Centre in Sydney Australia where he specialised in exercise nutrition and obtained his Certificate in Exercise Nutrition and Certified... Read More

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