Learn the secrets to a healthy gut

Content by: 180 Nutrition

180 Nutrition Podcast

Podcast Episode #1


By Guy Lawrence


Welcome to our very first official podcast: The Health Sessions.

In this episode we focus on gut health, where I chat to the other half of 180 Nutrition Stuart Cooke and interview the CEO of Progurt, Robert Beson.

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Health Sessions Transcript

Voice: Brought to you by 180nutrition.com.au. Welcome to the Health Sessions podcast. In each episode, we cut to the chase as we hang out with real people with real results.

Guy Lawrence: Hello, this is Guy, and welcome to our very first podcast, so, yep, this is episode number one, and my very special guest today is no other than my business partner, Mr. Stuart Cooke.

Stuart Cooke: Hello, hello, how are we?

Guy Lawrence: Welcome. Thanks for taking the time and actually dropping by, mate, you know, I really appreciate it.

Stuart Cooke: That’s all right. I’m just enjoying this cup of tea and noticing that you made me a half-cup. Thanks for that.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah, well, sorry, mate. So, we wanted to experiment and actually start a podcast. The idea is we’ll probably pop one of these out once a fortnight, and we wanted to kick off the new year. As you might have seen through our blog posts what we’ve decided to do is the Year of Great Health, and from the Year of Great Health, the first month being the Month of the Gut.

There’s a couple of things that actually inspired us to start that one was from my own experience. I’d been on a lot of antibiotics over the last couple of months, unfortunately, and even though they’ve done a great service in fixing my leg and my elbow, I’d gotten very infected, at the same time I know it’s going to have done a lot of damage to my own gut bacteria, because antibiotics are pretty indiscriminate when it comes to things like that.

The way the gut is, well, we feel it’s a very important piece of the puzzle for anyone’s health.

Stuart Cooke: That’s right. I think a great place to start, especially in the new year when people are wanting to get fit, trim up, lose weight, all of these things would be very, very tricky to do if your gut isn’t in the right shape, so we thought we’d start here.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah, and interestingly enough, as well, Stuart had a few of his own gut problems. Mate, if you can elaborate a bit more on that.

Stuart Cooke: Yeah, well I’d been down to Jamaica, I had a parasite, which I think I picked up during an ocean swim and that had me thinking I was intolerant to wheat and dairy and fructose and all these crazy things, and I was bloating and I felt gassy, low energy. And I follow a clean diet; pretty clean. Most of my friends think I’m a bit of a lunatic with what I eat, but I thought it was crazy, surely, I can’t be; you know, I ate half of a banana and, boom, things went pear-shaped for me. So I had a few tests at the doc’s with a stool test, for one, and it came back that I had a parasite.

Guy Lawrence: Does it have a name?

Stuart Cooke: It was Guy. It was very, very simple. Four tablets taken all at once after a meal and, boom, done, completely fixed.

Guy Lawrence: Just the once?

Stuart Cooke: Just the once. Right as rain. It wasn’t a long-term course of antibiotics. It was four very strong tablets taken after a meal, and I was fixed the very next day.

Guy Lawrence: With that in mind, do you think, because we had an email yesterday of someone asking us, you know, they find they have a lot of allergies and reactive to a lot of foods.

Stuart Cooke: Yeah. It would definitely be something that I would look into. It has to be a piece of the puzzle. I would certainly want to rule that out. It’s a simple stool test that got that out for me, but I did actually reply to one of our customers who wrote and said, “You know, I’m having real issues. I’m allergic to this. I’m just finding out that I’m allergic to three or four other things.”

I said, “Just make sure that you have covered your bases with parasites and nasties in the gut before you start to cut out these food groups, because it can be really, really tricky when you have a list as long as your arm of things you can’t eat, and that might not be the issue.”

Guy Lawrence: Another thing, as well, regarding the gut, which I’m going to go and get tested once Tonya, she’s a naturopath, a good friend of ours, gets back from holiday, is test for leaky gut. I think, again, that’s something that’s certainly overlooked, and it’s as high as 90 percent of people could actually have leaky gut without knowing it, and it’s simply a case of, you know, think of the lining of the gut leaking, in essence.

Stuart Cooke: And doesn’t that all relate to the non-absorption of nutrients.

Guy Lawrence: Correct, yes.

Stuart Cooke: So, you might be eating like a trooper, but it’s essentially passing straight through you. You’re not getting any nutrients. You’re feeling low. Definitely worth a check, as well.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah. 100 percent. Leaky gut and candida is another one as well, which can actually…It’s a parasite, as well, a fungus that can grow…

Stuart Cooke: Most likely a yeast overgrowth, isn’t it?

Guy Lawrence: Yeah. Yeah, and it’ll grow on the walls of the intestinal tract, as well, and then that requires energy to live, so once again sugar and carbohydrate. Now, interestingly enough from what I’ve read and researched, you know, I suggest you check it out yourself, but what’s interesting about candida is that there’s a view of it being cannibalistic almost the way candida requires yeast and so they cut out yeast, but I think it should be sugars, and, of course, it’s carbohydrates which should be the first thing to go to at least stop feeding that.

Stuart Cooke: And you’ve got a bit of a home remedy for that, haven’t you, as well?

Guy Lawrence: I have, but, again, I wouldn’t just go out there and fry it without…

Stuart Cooke: Medicine man gone bad.

Guy Lawrence: So, what I did, what I realized or learned, I should say, is that you can get what’s called Traveler’s Friend. Now Traveler’s Friend is like the size of an eyedrop bottle, and it’s exactly that. You take it traveling, and you drop it in your drinking water, and when I was in Peru I used it constantly. I could be in the mountains drinking water that they’d said never drink, I’d put a couple of drops in, and it was right as rain. It would kill the bacteria in your drinking water, and that’s what it’s for.

It’s actually grapefruit seed extract, and grapefruit seed is actually what’s called an escharotic. Now, an escharotic is what kills parasites, so, and interestingly enough, it doesn’t harm the human body while doing so. So what I started doing was making my own capsules. Get all these capsules, and I’d put a couple of drops of pure white grapefruit seed extract into it, and then take it before my meals. My meals would be on an empty stomach, and then, of course, that would kill the parasites and candida dead, if I was to have them.

Stuart Cooke: How’d it help?

Guy Lawrence: Oh, it works, yeah. It works, but there is a couple of things that, a, you’ve got to build up to it. You can’t just, you know, fill up a capsule of this stuff and take it, because if you do have candida, what will happen, it will tear it apart, and it’ll react to it in a big way, so, in other words, you’ll find yourself running to the toilet within minutes.

So you’ve got to build up slowly doing it, and the other thing is candida can actually grow up through the esophagus, as well, and in the throat and the lining, like it can come up in the skin, and, potentially, it could actually close off your airways. If you have too much candida in there, and you put this stuff on it, so there’s obviously a lot of thought that needs to go behind it first, so I wouldn’t just say go out there and just start drinking this stuff.

Stuart Cooke: So, you won’t be finding Guy’s home remedy on the blog any time soon.

Guy Lawrence: Exactly, no, but it’s something I am going to experiment with a little bit more and follow it through, and gets some candida tests, if I have it.

Stuart Cooke: I understand you have started to experiment with fermented food, as well.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah, a little bit more. I’ve always tried to eat fermented food, but I think I’m being a bit more proactive, especially now because of taking equivalent to over a month’s worth of antibiotics. I’m looking at kefir, sauerkraut, and vegetables and things like that. Interestingly enough, as well, because we got the jar of sauerkraut, and we’ve learned that you need to be buying fermented vegetables that are kept in a fridge when they’re in the store, and, boy, you can really taste the difference in the fermented vegetables.

Stuart Cooke: Yeah, absolutely. Well, we started off, didn’t we, with just the health food shops, the couple of jars of sauerkraut and thought, “This is pretty great. We’ve been super diligent.” Only then to discover that it was actually pasteurized, and it was dead as a doornail.

Guy Lawrence: Exactly. So that’s important, and it’s actually a lot easier to make, but there’s a couple of things that I am going to be looking at, and I want to quiz Tonya about this when she gets back, as well, because you’ve got forms of bacteria that are derived from animal strains, and then you’ve also got from human strains, so, for instance, if you make kefir, and, obviously, you can make it from yogurt and things like that, so the bacteria is coming from an animal, but when you buy a good probiotic, technically, it’s made from human strain. Now, have you got any idea where they get that from?

Stuart Cooke: I think I know exactly where they get that from.

Guy Lawrence: Well let you listeners use your imagination for that one. I’ve put you off it.

Stuart Cooke: Yeah, very good. So what else we got planned, Guy?

Guy Lawrence: I caught up with Robert Beson, he’s the owner of a company called Progurt, yesterday, and they deal with gut health and gut bacteria, so he was happy enough to appear on this podcast.

Stuart Cooke: Fantastic. Okay, well let’s hear it.

Interview with Robert Beson of Progurt

Guy Lawrence: Hey, Robert, thanks for dropping by on the show. Really appreciate your time. As always, I figured you’d be a man that would know a little bit about gut health considering your fine product in Progurt. So the first question I thought I’d kick off and ask you, is, mate, in your view, how important is gut health to an individual?

Robert Beson: Well, gut health is essential for a healthy mind and body. The gut is actually scientifically known as the second brain, being there’s a direct connection between our mind and gut. A healthy gut means better health physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s very important, Guy.

Guy Lawrence: Just elaborate on that. The second brain. Why is it called the second brain?

Robert Beson: I think that’s a very good question. There’s so much information available on the internet. I think for listeners that are interested to know why it’s known as the second brain, it’s much easier to go straight to the internet, Wikipedia, and do a little bit of homework, but, essentially, the gut is as complicated or even more so than the brain itself that we know.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah. I suppose it just emphasizes how important the gut is with a name like that.

Robert Beson: Unbelievable. The second brain. So many decisions it can make are based more on your senses rather than your ability to calculate.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah, right. So with the gut health as well, I know you hear there’s more bacteria in the gut than there are human cells, is that correct?

Robert Beson: It is. Typically, the human being is made up of seven trillion cells. There’s a 140 trillion bits of bacteria residing in the human body. That’s twenty times more bacteria in the body than the body itself. The bacteria in the gut look after the cells and supply of nutrients and, essentially, regulate the body and its organs.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah, right, yeah, that’s a hell of a lot of bacteria.

Robert Beson: Twenty times. Yeah. 140 trillion? So next time you’re thinking about taking a probiotic that contains one or two or five or ten or twenty-five billion CFU, think about the fact, that the resistance it’s going to meet.

Guy Lawrence: What’s CFU?

Robert Beson: CFU stands for colony forming unit. It’s a way of measuring the volume of bacteria, so some people look at CFU as a way of gauging the strength or the potency, but, essentially, it just means quantity of bacteria. There is a relationship between quantity and performance. In this world, the more, the merrier.

Guy Lawrence: Gut. When we say gut, what exactly are we talking about here, because I know there can be many interpretations.

Robert Beson: Well, the gut is the gastrointestinal tract. It’s the single organ that you can describe as a long tube that begins at the mouth and ends at the rectum. The mouth is the first part of the gastrointestinal tract, so you can understand that when the gut loses balance of good bacteria, it can affect your ear, nose, and throat, virtually every part of your body simply because the gut isn’t performing as it should. In my world, you are your gut.

Guy Lawrence: Just mentioning the CFU strength, because I didn’t realize it was the potency, the other thing I wanted to ask, as well, was the different strains. I’ve been making a little bit, before I started using Progurt last week, I was making kefir, I was buying sauerkraut, and, obviously, you got from vegetable.

Robert Beson: You’re talking about some really beautiful foods, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchee, natto, you’re all talking about really beautiful fermented foods, but eating high-quality foods that don’t contain human bacteria that you were born with, isn’t the same as what we’re talking about here.

What we’re talking about here is replacing gut bacteria, that you were born with, that have either missing from your gut or suppressed or diminished and trying to restore the colonization of those strains, because if you don’t balance the gut with things that are missing, what are you going to do? You’re just going to add more of what you already have.

Guy Lawrence: I think, because I’ve been delving into this topic as well the one thing that has highlighted to me it is important to get human strain bacteria into the gut. You have your sauerkraut, you have you kefir, from them bacterias, which I’m sure are going to be beneficial, but no to the same degree as a human strain.

Robert Beson: No. Not at all. They’re just an excellent source of fermented food, but the kind of bacteria you’re talking about in foods are not colonizing strains of gut bacteria. They’re transient strains. They’re going to give you some benefit for a short period of time, and then just be eliminated.

Guy Lawrence: I wanted to bring that up, because I know a lot of people won’t realize that. They’ll make their fermented foods, and they’ll have them.

Robert Beson: We’re talking about replacing bacteria that is indigenous to your gastrointestinal tract from birth. If you’ve got, say, 85 percent friendly and 15 percent unfriendly, you want to keep that ratio. Too much friendly can be just as bad for you as too much unfriendly.

Guy Lawrence: Is that right? There you go. I want to bring this question up early on because we get a lot of questions around weight loss. If somebody is overweight, and they’re listening to this, and they’re curious, would gut health and weight loss have a good, direct relationship? If somebody’s gut health is out, would that then make it more difficult to lose weight? Is there a relationship?

Robert Beson: I believe it does, and I think that’s an excellent question. It appears that there’s more and more evidence showing that the composition and profile of your gut affects the percentage of your body fat. A healthy gut means a healthy body. By taking advantage of a high-quality probiotic, like Progurt, for example, you can lose your cravings for the unhealthy foods. Instead of craving excessive amounts of chocolate or cheese and white bread, you begin to crave fresh salads, fruit, raw foods. Simply said, gut health is absolutely fundamental for maintaining a healthy weight and feeling great, so, if you can…

Guy Lawrence: Would it be fair to say then that if somebody’s eaten a block of chocolate because they’re craving it, that their gut bacteria might be slightly out?

Robert Beson: Well, they could think about it. I mean, chocolate is a beautiful food, and I like it very occasionally, but I don’t have a craving for it. There’s a difference between enjoying cheese and enjoying a piece of toast and enjoying a piece of chocolate and actually having to sit down and eat a large amount because you can’t cope if you don’t. That can be said not only for chocolate. It can be said for…

Guy Lawrence: You know, I’ve got a mate, I know he’ll end up listening to this, and I won’t mention his name, but I know he can’t walk past a shop without going in there and buying a bag of chips, Doritos or something because he’s just absolutely craving it.

Robert Beson: Yeah, It’s all the salt.

Guy Lawrence: Would it be fair to say that it’s probably his gut?

Robert Beson: Absolutely, but you see people and you see they’re overweight, and they’re not starving, so why are they eating so much? Why do you see people with pet cats that look like footballs? I mean, what is it in the food that is putting the weight on so much? Is it the volume? Is it the frequency? Why do they have to have so much of whatever it is that they don’t need? And, so, part of the gut bacteria, not only does it change what you want to eat, it changes how much you want to eat and how frequently you want to eat it.

Guy Lawrence: So if some of the listeners are listening, and they’re going, “Oh, my God, I crave these foods a lot. The chips. The chocolate.” Then it’s certainly worth them considering their gut health.

Robert Beson: It is. It is, but some people would prefer not to and enjoy the chocolate and the wine…

Guy Lawrence: Which is fair enough, to each their own, I guess.

Robert Beson: Exactly. Absolutely. The questions you’re asking are really interesting, and they need to be asked, and I think they’re going to be of some real value to people who are genuinely curious.

Guy Lawrence: That’s important.

Robert Beson: Why do I go crazy over this food? Because you have a form of life residing in your body that needs it to continue replication so cut it off by replacing that food with a different food that contains a different bacteria that kills that resident bacteria and all of a sudden you don’t have the craving.

Guy Lawrence: So, from there then, somebody’s going, “All right. I want to start taking a probiotic and start getting that bacteria back in me.” The one thing that stood out for me when I went on the internet and discovered you guys’ company, there was quite a difference between just a regular probiotic that you walk into and buy off a chemist’s shelves, which is what most people will do.

Robert Beson: It’s convenient. They don’t have to think that hard. The choice is limited these days.

Guy Lawrence: I think you kind of covered the question a little bit when I first asked you about the CFU, the strength…

Robert Beson: The strength is, we probably have the world’s most powerful probiotic, if you’re looking at defining powerful as the quantity of CFU, which is one part of it, but, you know, a trillion CFU is an enormous quantity of beneficial bacteria. If you compare our yogurt, for example, to yogurts you can buy in the store, you’re talking about one liter of our product being equivalent to a thousand liters of store-bought yogurt. So, why not use density to your benefit?

Guy Lawrence: On that, a few years ago, I actually got involved with a group called Weston A. Price. I don’t know if you’re aware of them?

Robert Beson: What are they called?

Guy Lawrence: Weston A. Price.

Robert Beson: Yeah, I think they’re a fabulous organization.

Guy Lawrence: There’s a small organization up in Queensland. I was up there for the weekend with them, and they told me at the time they went to the local supermarket and bought all the yogurts that were in there and tested it for bacteria, and they said they were all dead.

Robert Beson: Probably.

Guy Lawrence: There wasn’t much in there.

Robert Beson: Probably, but if you want quality products, you’re going to have to take time…

Guy Lawrence: And source it.

Robert Beson: Source it, and then you’re going to have to buy the right milk, and then you’re going to have to make it, and…

Guy Lawrence: I’ve been taking your Progurt for about a week now, and I can feel things going on in my gut. Something’s going on down there, where before it wasn’t happening.

Robert Beson: It sounds like World War III, only you’re winning.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah, you’re probably right. I won’t go into much more detail of what’s happening, but that’s some of it.

Robert Beson: So, if you’re asking me what’s the difference; there’s a huge difference. Essentially, you can bring it down to formulation and potency. Our product contains human strains, multiple strains, broad spectrum strains, and strains that may be missing from your gut, and over a trillion CFU.

Unfortunately, you can’t buy a probiotic like ours at your local chemist shop, but today with free shipping and internet, where’s the inconvenience? You go on the net. You go to our website. You read what’s on there. You do a little bit of homework. You want it. Click. Go to the store. Click. The following morning you’ve got the product. Company sends it out overnight express, basically, get it within 24 to 48 hours anywhere in Australia. The internet’s a wonderful thing, and it gives you choice.

Guy Lawrence: Absolutely.

Robert Beson: You can’t say today, “I didn’t know. I don’t have any choice.”

Guy Lawrence: I think, as well, is once people are aware of what they should be looking for, it makes it a lot easier.

Robert Beson: It makes it a lot easier. The best thing they can do, though, is trial and error. Buy a very small quantity.

Guy Lawrence: That’s how I found you. I’m constantly asking questions and searching.

Robert Beson: If you’re curious, it’s a great way to start.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah, 100 percent. Get curious, I reckon.

Robert Beson: I think it’s a wonderful way of finding out what may be beneficial to you. You know, I’m trying stuff all the time.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah, for sure. That’ll never stop. Not for me, anyway. Lactose-intolerant people, because I made that little video of it last week. I don’t know if you saw it.

Robert Beson: Yeah, I did. It was very nice. Thank you.

Guy Lawrence: No worries.

Robert Beson: Yeah, because you used the ultra heated. The one like milk.

Guy Lawrence: Can you just tell us a little bit more about that? Because I know people are concerned, I get a lot of people just through the 180, “I’m lactose intolerant, can I use 180?” Blah, blah, blah.

Robert Beson: Let’s talk about lactose intolerance. If you’re lactose intolerant, you absolutely can take a sachet of Progurt in water or juice. It’s a popular option to take a probiotic sachet in water, even if you’re not lactose intolerant. It’s easy to consume if you’re on the go or you’re traveling, but for those who are lactose intolerant, it’s a nice way to start.

Take the sachets in water and determine for yourself whether you can feel any difference, because everybody’s intolerance of lactose is different. Some are highly intolerant. Some are moderately intolerant. Some can eat ice cream. Some can’t. Some can drink a little bit of milk. Some can’t. If you’re going to make Progurt off using long-life milk, there’s no lactose in the milk after 12, 14, 16 hours of fermentation. So, you’re okay there. And, long-life milk is a very nice way of making our product. I don’t see any negativity with it whatsoever. I prefer to use long-life milk than to go and get fresh milk, boil it, sterilize it, wait for it to cool right down, then put it into the tub, then add the sachet.

Guy Lawrence: I’ve been eating, plowing through that yogurt, making it pretty much daily at the moment.You also mentioned about fresh coconut.

Robert Beson: We’re working on it. We made a batch of coconut Progurt a month or two ago, and it was amazing. I have to tell you, I was shocked at how delicious it was, but it’s a real pain in the neck. You have to get fresh coconut, and you have to get fresh coconut meat, and you have to get fresh coconut water and milk from the coconut, and you have to put it in a special super expensive blender then you have to add a probiotic root. Once you’ve made the base, you just add our culture and then incubate it for ten, twelve hours.

Guy Lawrence: I love coconut. I go through coconuts daily, pretty much.

Robert Beson: But when you do you’re probably only going through the coconut water.

Guy Lawrence: And the flesh. I put it in a blender.

Robert Beson: If you do all that, I mean, it’s a fabulous food, I mean it really is, I’m very impressed with it, but we’re trying to come up with a way that we can use canned or frozen or pasteurized or sterilized coconut water and coconut meat and coconut milk to make a very good quality probiotic yogurt that way, and we haven’t done it yet. It’s difficult to do, and keep it honest.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah, of course.

Robert Beson: I mean without adding all the extra additives that you really don’t need. So that all you’ve got is culture and coconut.

Guy Lawrence: Fantastic, well I’m excited about that.

Robert Beson: Yeah, we would be, too, if we found an easy way to do it.

Guy Lawrence: I’m sure you will. You’ll get there. Next question. Couple left. Prebiotic. Often get people get confused or wonder what prebiotic is.

Robert Beson: Prebiotics are sweet tasting sugars that your stomach cannot digest, only bacteria can, and the purpose of a prebiotic is to increase the quantity of bacteria.

Guy Lawrence: So is it food for bacteria?

Robert Beson: Food for bacteria, and the foods that contain the highest amount of prebiotics are green leafy plants, herbs, vegetables, fruits, unprocessed. So, if you have a tree-ripened banana, I mean, my goodness, bacteria go crazy. If you have basil, rocket coriander, endive, parsley, spinach salad, I mean they go ballistic.

Guy Lawrence: So, keep your veggies and leaves, greens, raw.

Robert Beson: As minimally-processed as you can. Steamed. You’re going to get your vegetables and you don’t want to eat them raw, then steam them, or…

Guy Lawrence: I’ve only got frozen spinach and kale in the freezer…

Robert Beson: I think that sounds great.

Guy Lawrence: And then I just grab a handful of each, put it in the steamer.

Robert Beson: I’m a fan of fresh frozen provided it’s a top-quality fresh frozen. The best way to guarantee that you never get taken advantage of is always buy the most expensive food that you can get, because it means that the grower, the distribution chain, everybody gets paid.

Guy Lawrence: I always try and buy local where I can, pretty much.

Robert Beson: If you can buy fresh, and don’t forget to wash the vegetables. Wash the green leafy stuff in cold clean water, and then dry them, and then have them in a salad, and then ask yourself, “Do I feel different?” and you will always feel different, but it’s subtle. You’ll just be having a nice day, and you’ll wonder, “Gosh. Things are going well.” No, they’re the same as they were before only now you’re coping better. You’ve got better nutrition, better circulation, better functionality.

Guy Lawrence: And you generally feel better.

Robert Beson: You feel better. As long as you remember, there’s twenty times more bacteria resident in your body than that which makes the body up.

Guy Lawrence: Which is huge.

Robert Beson: Huge Yeah, absolutely, and they all work for nothing. If you feed us, we feed you.

Guy Lawrence: Very nice guys. All right, last question.

Robert Beson: This is going to be difficult.

Guy Lawrence: Well, I had to bring it up, purely, because I crossed it. So, athletes’ performance. Gut health and athleticism and performance, is there a connection?

Robert Beson: It’s everything. A healthy gut will improve digestion, nutrition, and absorption, and increase the volume of nutrients to the bloodstream. That will affect performance. The better the gut health, the better the performance of the athlete. I believe that some of the finest athletes in the world today are just beginning to focus on gut health to improve performance. I could talk about this for hours, Guy, but, you know, it gets boring.

The relationship to performance comes down to the gut. The gut is the second brain and the source of nutrition for the entire body. The benefit your listeners have is that almost everybody currently is virtually asleep in this area, and if you have people who want to go to the Olympic games or they want to compete at tennis at a very high level or football or cycling or swimming or anything, all they have to do is start focusing on the gut. Put 80 percent of the focus on the gut, and then ask themselves why is it they can lift greater weights, why is it they can react faster, why is it they have a better sense of judgment of distance and time, why is everything so much better?

Guy Lawrence: Simply put, if any athletes should be listening to this, and they’re looking to get an edge on their competitor.

Robert Beson: Oh, now is the time, because their competitor, if they’re lucky, will be arrogant, and will focus on the exterior of the body, rather than the interior. If you’ve got a sense of humility, you’ve got everything going for you.

Guy Lawrence: It’s funny, because the tennis final was on the other night. I heard Andy Murray went gluten-free and then he won his first major title. I don’t know how true that is, but that’s just what someone told me.

Robert Beson: I don’t know, but he went out with blisters you know, I mean.

Guy Lawrence: Maybe he should be looking into his gut health a bit more.

Robert Beson: He should, but it’s a nice place to start, because nobody’s spending any time there. I mean, nobody’s spending any time. I can tell you, the leading athletes of the world may or may not be listening to your podcast, but it certainly something they want to listen to, because within a very short period of time, they can prove to themselves by ingesting a very powerful probiotic, just what kind of effect a probiotic can have, provided all other things are equal, because a probiotic is only as good as the environment it’s going into.

Remember just before Pasteur died, he said, “The environment is everything. The bacteria is nothing.” And it’s true. It’s trial and error. You take the probiotic bacteria, and if you’re gut environment is conducive, I mean, it is wonderful, if it is not, you’ll think, “Okay, what’s the big deal?” And if you end up with, “Okay, what’s the big deal?” then all you have to do is do a little bit more homework and discover what you need to do to improve the environment of the gut, and then suddenly take the probiotic again a month or two later, and you’ll see that there’s a dramatic difference.

So, everything’s only as good as the environment. You want to grow things in a garden? Okay. It’s not the quality of the seed. It’s not the quality of your fertilizer. It’s the quality of the soil. And then, if the quality of your soil is all right, all you’ll need is a bit of sunshine and a bit of fertilizer and it goes ballistic.

Nice talking to you.

Guy Lawrence: Mate, I really appreciate it.

Robert Beson: Not at all. I’ll look forward to the thousands of hits on our website.

Guy Lawrence: I’m sure we’ll cover more topics in the future.

Robert Beson: Yeah, I’ll look forward to it. Love to talk to you again.

Guy Lawrence: Yeah, thanks, Robert.

Robert Beson: Okay, see you.

Guy Lawrence: Thanks for listening to our show The Health Sessions. If you would like more information on anything health from our blog, free eBook, or podcasts, simply visit 180nutrition.com.au. Also, if you have any questions or topics you’d like us to see cover in future episodes, we would really love to hear from you. Simply drop us an email to info@180nutrition.com.au. And if you’re listening to us on iTunes and enjoyed the show, we’d really appreciate a review in the review section. Until the next time, wherever you are in the world, have a fantastic week.


180 Nutrition

This article was curated by 180 Nutrition who were founded in March 2010 with the goal to offer the very best in natural health supplements and resources. The passionate team are aligned with leading health and wellness professionals including nutritionists, naturopaths, functional medicine and exercise specialists. They regularly connect with... Read More

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