Ashoka Houlahan – Cellular Rejuvenation Techniques

Content by: Ashoka Houlahan

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Stu: This week I’m excited to welcome Ashoka Houlahan to the podcast. Ashoka is the founder of Quantum Uplift, which is the next generation in wellness centers that incorporates leading edge research with advanced equipment and technology. In this episode, we discuss cellular health, the everyday practices that could negatively impact ourselves, and the strategies and technology on offer that can help. Over to Ashoka.

Audio Version

Some questions asked during this episode:

  • What everyday practices could be negatively impacting our cellular health?
  • How does the technology you offer support cellular health?
  • What is the quantum field?

Get more of Ashoka Houlahan:

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Dr Frank Shallenberger – Bursting With Energy
Dr Alberto Villoldo – Bridging Ancient Shamanic Traditions With Modern Medicine
Caspar Szulc – The Next Revolution in Medicine is Here

The views expressed on this podcast are the personal views of the host and guest speakers and not the views of Bega Cheese Limited or 180 Nutrition Pty Ltd. In addition, the views expressed should not be taken or relied upon as medical advice. Listeners should speak to their doctor to obtain medical advice.

Disclaimer: The transcript below has not been proofread and some words may be mis-transcribed.

Full Transcript



Hey, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and welcome to another episode of the Health Sessions. It’s here that we connect with the world’s best experts in health, wellness, and human performance in an attempt to cut through the confusion around what it actually takes to achieve a long-lasting health. Now I’m sure that’s something that we all strive to have. I certainly do. Before we get into the show today, you might not know that we make products too. That’s right, we’re into whole Food nutrition and have a range of super foods and natural supplements to help support your day. If you are curious, want to find out more, just jump over to our website. That is and take a look. Okay, back to the show. This week,

I’m excited to welcome Ashoka Houlahan to the podcast. Ashoka is the founder of Quantum Uplift, which is the next generation in wellness centers that incorporates leading edge research with advanced equipment and technology. In this episode, we discuss cellular health, the everyday practices that could negatively impact ourselves, and the strategies and technology on offer that can help. Over to Ashoka.


Hey, guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition. And I am delighted to welcome Ashoka Houlahan to the podcast. Ashoka, how are you, mate?



Well, thanks, Stuart. Thanks for having me on the program.



No, thank you so much for sharing some of your time, and we’ve got some very interesting questions that I want to put to you today because I know that we’ve got many people out there that have lots of different thoughts and perspectives on some of the things that we’re going to speak to you about a little bit later on. So before we dive into those, and for all of those that may not be familiar with you or your work or your company, et cetera, I’d love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



Yeah, okay, thank you. Okay, so I’ll try and keep this super brief but relevant for the future conversation. So I guess my original background was as a chemical engineer. And so as part of a chemical engineer, when I came out of school, I went to university, studied physics, chemistry, maths. And I had a trainee shift, which meant I worked as a chemical engineer by day and studied at night and did a hard slog for many, many years, but had a science and analytical background. That went well for a number of years, I was full of ambition and drive. I would best describe myself back then as I was young, egotistical, intellectual, and a little bit arrogant, so as I reflect back on myself. And that got me through life to a certain point, but due to my heavy workload and uni load, I quickly drove myself into the ground, found myself with a near midlife crisis around the age of 22.


And so that then inspired me to go and learn how to meditate. And prior to this, as I said, I was atheistic and I didn’t have any faith or belief or in anything other than science, that was the way. Nearly had a nervous breakdown, trying to keep up with everything. Went and learned how to meditate, started meditating to help me pass my uni exams, to help me deal with stress, things like that. And then when I meditated, I started having what I called metaphysical experiences, they were beyond the physics I was learning at university. And these were things like I had experiences where I would see things before they happened, meaning, okay, time is not linear. Now as a chemical engineer, we do all these equations and then we’ve got all these different formulas and time is always a constant linear as part of those formulas. But yet, I was experiencing things before they would happen and then they would happen.


And I was left scratching my head going, how does that work? How is it possible to see something from the future before it actually happens? And the answer to that is, time is not what we think it is. In our 3D reality, yes, it operates linear. But we can access higher dimensions, we may touch on that. But the point is, I started having metaphysical experiences that my university degree could not answer. Other things that would happen, I would have out-of-body experiences. So I would physically leave my body and I would be looking down on my body, realizing that I wasn’t in it, but yet I wasn’t dead. And so this made me think, well, what’s the body? Who am I? What is this? And so well, I had all these various different experiences that really didn’t mesh with what I was learning in my university studies, so metaphysical experiences.


This continued on for quite a number of years and it always intrigued me. Eventually I had an enlightened master show up in my meditation one day and said, “Come to India.” And I knew who this master was, I’d seen photos of him, but that wasn’t really what I was interested in. I wasn’t interested in gurus or enlightened masters, but yet, here was this master calling me to India. And initially this was probably a sign of my arrogance at the time, I said, “Thanks for the invitation, but I’m busy. I got all this stuff going on here. I’ve got a life going on here. Thanks, but no, thanks.” Anyway, this enlightened master, he would just disappear and he’d come back the next day and say, “Come to India.” And this went on for about three or four days. And every time I resisted and said, “Thank you, but no, thank you, I’m busy,” my life got progressively harder.


Eventually after about three or four days with that getting worse and worse, I realized that somehow this enlightened master was impacting my life. And I agreed that I would go to India. But I didn’t think I was going to go as quickly as I did because long story short, I’m trying to keep this brief, within one month I sold everything I owned, I resigned from my job, I resigned from my university studies with four exams to go to complete my degree that I’d been working on for five years. And I bought a one way ticket to go and see a man that I knew nothing about, but I knew I had to go. And when I got there, certainly, and we had a lot of transformations and experiences there that pretty much culminated in, at the end of that trip, I was there for about six, seven weeks, this was a gift that was bestowed upon me. I don’t think this was something that I had earned in this lifetime.


And that was on my past, the last day I was there, my guru came to me and basically set me into a state of awakening for 24 hours. So for 24 hours, I walked around experiencing what many call oneness, being awakened. And it’s really a genie out of the bottle sort of moment. Once we have that experience, you cannot undo it. It’s not like anything that you can ever imagine, the words that people try to use to explain this fall far short of what the experience is. But you’ll have words like pure love, bliss, just superintelligence, being connected to all things. So this lasted for about a day and then it subsided. And it was as if my guru was saying, “All right, I’m going to give you a taste of what this thing called oneness or enlightenment’s all about, and now it’s up to you to go out there in the world and figure out how to do it.” And so it was a very profound moment that it’s obviously shifted the way I view reality, because my experience of reality has been all the things I’ve mentioned so far, non-linear time, non-physical.


But there’s more to us than just our physical bodies, having access to all the information and a sense of love, peace, and harmony. So that always intrigued me. And so I’ve always been interested in consciousness from that perspective, moving forward in life. But I came home and continued with my meditation and spiritual journeys. But once I became a parent, I stopped doing the spirituality thing and said, “That’s it. I’ve got to go out there and make some money. I’ve got a family to look after, don’t have time for all this spirituality stuff. I better go out there and make something of myself in the world.” And again, so that put me into various different businesses, things like that. And it worked to a certain degree, but that drove me to a point in my early 40s of being driven into depression. And so for me, it showed up where I had depression for about seven years, five of those years I was undiagnosed. Eventually went and saw a doctor, got diagnosed with depression. And the doctor gave me some treatment options, none of which really resonated with what I wanted to do.


They involved certain pharmaceuticals and drugs for that and some psychotherapy and different things, but just didn’t resonate with me. So from that, I ended up going, seeing an energy worker. She did some energy work on me. It helped clear my mind for the first time in seven years. Again, received this big download of information as part of that energy work. And then I felt this presence come around me and it guided me to go and find different technologies that would help me with my particular challenge, health challenge, which was depression. So what that would look like was all of my senses got dialed up. My clairaudience, my clairvoyance, my clairsentience, these all skills that we all have to various different degrees, they all got dialed up. So when I was researching on how to heal myself out of depression, certain things would just leap out of my computer screen at me and it was as if the field or the universe was saying, “Buy me, buy this one, not that one, not that one. Buy this one.”


And this is what led to me importing two of these technologies into my own home. Went super hard at that for about six weeks, pulled myself out of depression that I’d had for seven years. And then after I did that, I got a message from the field that said, “Now I want you to open a clinic.” And of course I said, “Well look, I don’t have a background, a medical background. I don’t know how to open a clinic.” And the field said, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you.” And look, it sent money, it sent information. All these things happened that went into culminating opening up our clinic here in Byron Bay, which is called Quantum Uplift. And we’re best described as a cellular rejuvenation clinic. We’ve got multiple technologies in our clinic that each work and rejuvenating you at a cellular level. And in addition to that, we also actively use consciousness in our clinic. That was four years ago, and that’s what brings us to where we are today.



Boy, oh boy, that is a story. So I’m really keen then, I know that your cellular health is extremely important to you, and you’ve got lots of slogans and phrases that I’ve seen around the clinic as well that really impress the importance of cellular health, working on cellular health, improving, trying to support cellular health. For people that are not familiar with the fundamentals of cellular health, why, in your mind’s eye, is it so important?



Yeah, great question. Thank you. Well, let’s just back up a little bit and look at ourselves as who we are as beings, and let’s talk about the physical part of our being. Yeah, I think modern western medicine looks at us as human beings, very compartmentalized. And you’ve got a specialist for every field. You’ve got a lung specialist, a heart specialist, a kidney specialist, a liver specialist, and it very much compartmentalizes us as a human being. If we take a step further back from that, and rather than looking at ourselves in quite a mechanical viewpoint, like a car, if this breaks you, take this part out, you replace it. If instead of looking at it in a very mechanical viewpoint, if we take a step back and we go, okay, well what’s the basic building block that makes us up?


And that’s like our cells. Each and every one of us is made somewhere between 50 and 100 trillion cells, give or take a few. And our whole philosophy is we don’t treat illness, we don’t treat disease, we don’t treat symptoms. All we do is we focus on how do we improve the cellular functioning of each and every one of those 100 trillion cells that makes us up. And the overarching principle is, in order for your cells to work properly, they need about five basic things. And if you just give yourselves what they need, you’ll be absolutely amazed at what they’re capable of doing. And to put it simply, the better your cells work, the better you work. And that’s why we focus on cellular rejuvenation. That’s why we go as far upstream in the body as we can to make impacts and changes at that cellular level, which then flow through to making changes at the more macro level.



Got it. And so you mentioned five basics, five pillars for cellular health. I wondered if you could just walk us through those, please.



Yeah, sure. So in order for our cells to work properly, they need five basic things. The first thing they need is they need the right nutrients, food and water, that’s a given. There’s an old saying in the fitness industry and stuff like that, you can’t out-train a bad diet. You can’t do cellular rejuvenation to outdo a bad diet, so that’s fundamental. So we need the right nutrition, which is food and water. But not all food and water is created equal. We need good quality food, so we’re always looking for organic where possible.


And with water, we are looking for clean water that’s bioavailable for your cells, which means it’s being restructured, easily absorbed by your cells, things like this. So in the category of the right nutrients, we also now add supplements, So quality food, quality water, quality supplements. Because the sad fact is in the day and age that we live in, we live an ever increasing toxic world. And the food that we eat today is very different, the nutrition that we get from our food today is very different to the nutrition that our grandparents and great-grandparents used to receive.






And the toxins our bodies receive today is far greater than the toxins our grandparents and great-grandparents used to get. Our biology hasn’t changed. We’re taking on all this extra toxic load with lower nutritionally dense food with the same biology. And so that’s where I think there is a role for supplements to do exactly that. Supplement quality food, quality water, so that’s the first.



Yeah. So food, supplements. What’s next?



All right, the next thing is we need electromagnetism. The fact is, we are not just physical beings and science proves this now. We emit our own electromagnetic field of energy. And in fact, in our cells, our cells have voltage. And to put this into some context, the average voltage of the healthy cell is about minus 25, minus 30 millivolts. And if you’ve got 100 trillion cells that have a voltage of 30 millivolts, you do the math, you soon figure out there’s around about 12 billion volts that’s driving this thing that we call our human body. And so when the voltage in our cells drop, the performance of our cells drop. And so a lot of great work’s done by Dr. Jerry Tennant. He’s written a really incredible book called Healing is Voltage. And he goes into greater detail just to explain why voltage is important for cellular health.


Third thing is we need oxygen. There’s a reason why you can go months without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen. It is that vital for us. So it’s really important that we get oxygen to our cells, to our mitochondria, so they can produce ATP, cellular energy, things like that. We also need light. And so this is fascinating. They’ve done this study on what’s called photobiomodulation. Go to PubMed, type that in, you’ll get about 4,000 different clinical studies on how light affects our cells. But here’s the interesting thing, and yeah, we’ll talk about consciousness later. And some people say it’s a little bit woo-woo or not, but I find this fascinating. When they look at the mitochondria, they actually find that our mitochondria emits light in the form of biophotons. So what that means is you can take any plant, human, animal, we all have mitochondria, put them in a dark room with the right camera, you’ll actually see them light up and emit biophotons.


So stay with me here. The science is in, we are literally light beings, literally. Go to PubMed, check it out yourself, you’ll see. And this is what I find fascinating, when people go through what’s called the dying process and people that have given permission for their biophotons to be measured during this process, what they find is as they’re going through the dying process, the amount of biophotons they’re emitting, if you could measure them on a bar graph, a chart, get smaller and smaller and smaller, and at the moment just before death, some might say when the soul leaves the body, those biophotons leap off the chart and then they drop to zero, nothing. So I’ll let everyone draw their own conclusions on what that really means. But the relevance of that is we emit light, need light for our wellness.


But here’s the thing, not only do our cells or our mitochondria within our cells emit light, they also receive light. And there’s certain wavelengths of light they receive better than others, which is red and near infrared, we have these technologies in our clinic. So that’s the fourth thing they need. And the fifth thing is they need to be free of toxins. And they need to be free of toxins because toxins compromise our cells’ ability to work properly, heavy metals, pesticides, volatile organic compounds, certain preservatives, all this sort of stuff. And as they go in, they clog up our cellular functioning, they inflame the cell membranes, they break DNA strands. All of these things compromise our cells’ ability to work properly.



So just on that note then, what everyday practices then could we unbeknowingly be engaging in that could be negatively impacting our cellular health?



Yeah, the list is is quite-



It’s a long list, right?



… but comes back to, all right, some of the fundamentals like quality food, quality water. So that’s the starting point.



So on the flip side, then fast food and…



Yeah, and so obviously that’s one element. So if you think of a race car, if you go and put crappy fuel in that race car, you’re probably not going to be competitive to win the race.






You put high octane fuel in that race car and you’re going to be in a much better position to operate at peak performance. So that’s one thing. But another thing that compromises our cells’ ability to work properly, apart from the toxins, is stress. So these are all the things that we’ve heard before. Nothing new here. But stress, this is where we get into the world of epigenetics. We often think, well they used to think that we are born with our genes and that predetermines our health. Yet you can have two identical twins that have the same genes, yet one will live to be 84 and the other one will live to be 54. What’s different is the environment or the information that those genes take in, that whether they up-regulate or down-regulate those genes to produce proteins. And those proteins go on to produce quality proteins or cheaper proteins that go on to produce a quality us or a cheaper us, right?






So yeah, stress, diet, the usual suspects compromise cellular health, yeah.



Gotcha, got it. So then tell me now a little bit about the technology that you offer in the clinic. So Quantum Uplift, for everybody that doesn’t know, so it’s a boutique clinic in the hot Byron Bay that does some radical stuff that you won’t typically find on the High Street. And now I’ve done things like infrared saunas and ice baths and red light therapy. But some of the tech that you guys had really intrigued me because I hadn’t seen it before. It looked like it had come out of a sci-fi movie. But I was very overwhelmed I think, at the feeling that I walked out with after going through some of these technologies. So when we’re talking about cellular health in particular, tell us about the tech that you’ve got that you can offer the general public that they probably haven’t heard of, but would be impacting in a positive way to their cellular health.



Okay, all right. So like I mentioned earlier, our cells need five basic things in order for them to work properly. They need the right nutrients, food and water. They need voltage, they need oxygen, they need light, and they need to be free of toxins. So we’ve got different technologies in our clinic that addresses each one of those five elements of cellular health. And I came back to what I said earlier before, and that is the better our cells work, the better we work. So that’s our sole focus, is how do we get each and every one of our cells working more efficiently, more effectively, producing more life force? So start off, okay, how do we get the right voltage into our cells? Well we’ve got a technology in here, it’s called a bio charger.


We actually call it the cell charger. It packs quite a punch. It has a Tesla coil in it that literally has lightning that comes out of the top of the machine that creates a toroidal field of electrodynamic energy, which we can demonstrate to people and show them that field. Their eyes can’t normally see it, but we can do a few things to show them that that’s existing. And through induction, that electrodynamic energy moves through the air molecules, it hits their body, hits their cells, adds voltage to their cells. Now the relevance of that from a health perspective is our cells need voltage in order for them to work properly. And again, this is the work. Dr. Jerry Tennant, go and look him up. Lots of information on him on YouTube, written a book, Healing is Voltage.


And he goes in and talks about, if you think of your cells like batteries, and a healthy cells has a voltage of around about minus 25 millivolts. Minus is not a bad thing. It’s just because they’re electron donors, they get assigned a negative sign. And when chronic illness kicks in, the voltage in our cells drop. And as an example, cancer has a voltage or cancer cells have a voltage of plus 25 millivolts. And you can take any chronic illness that you care to name and one of the things they’ll have in common is if you measure their cellular voltage, they’ll all have low cellular voltage. Okay, so voltage is really important for cellular health. Now many people might go, I’ve never heard of that before.


But if you think of the cell membrane, the cell membrane is operating, you’ve got a positive voltage on the outside of the cell membrane, a negative voltage on the inside, it creates a voltage gradient across the cell membrane. And that voltage gradient, often called voltage gate channels and things like that, helps regulate nutrients that move from outside of the cell, inside of the cell and also to expel waste products from inside of the cell, outside of the cell. So voltage is important, and the bio charger or the cell charger uses Tesla technology to help add voltage to your cells simply by sitting in a field of electrodynamic energy. And in addition to that, it also uses frequency and light. So you had an experience of that yesterday, so we demonstrated that field. Let me ask you, what was your experience of that?



Well, so for our listeners, and they’re trying to frame this in their mind, I would liken it to walking into the reactor room on the Starship Enterprise. So strange looking machine, emitting lots of different types of light, different colors. And like you said, there was a lightning rod at the top. I walked into that room feeling tired, kind of foggy and foggy headed, had lots going on, just very busy for a long time. So feeling a little bit tired. I came out of there after just simply sitting next to the reactor of the Starship Enterprise for 20 minutes or so, feeling charged, I can’t think of another word that really does describe it other than charged. I felt less tired. I felt clearer in the head. I kind of felt charged.


I felt almost like a, not a vibration inside, but just almost like a steady hum. And then we were speaking off camera previously because I track sleep. I’ve always tracked sleep, or at least over the last five years with the Oura Ring. And I had significantly increased sleep quality in terms of HRV, heart rate variability, which measures stress. That score was higher, my deep sleep was higher, my REM sleep was higher. I had zero wake time on there. And I sleep pretty well, but that would’ve been up there probably within the top 5% of all time sleeps for me. So that was, yeah, it was a bit of an eye opener. And I came away and thought, I need to do that again and see what happens with my sleep because like you, I love the science behind it.


And well, if that’s doing that to sleep, then in and of itself just increasing the quality, the duration, and all the metrics in sleep, it’s going to do wonders for my cellular health because that’s where the rest and repair and reset and all of the good stuff happens. So yeah, definitely non-invasive, in and out, watched a pretty light show, was intrigued by your demonstration, bringing in the fluorescent tube that sparked into life and lit up brightly the closer you got to the machine. And when you took it away, the light just popped off again. So that was definitely an indication that there’s obviously clearly some electrical stuff happening that is beyond my control. But I felt different. I felt good, I felt clearer in the mind, I slept better. And hence, I’m going to be doing that again because I want to test that again.



Sure, sure. So just pick up on what you said there. The energies that machine emit are called subtle energies, right?






So it uses voltage frequency and light. So subtle by definition means it’s hard to detect, it’s subtle. An example of subtle energy is gravity. We cannot see, taste, touch, feel, sense, gravity with our five sensors, yet it operates on US 24/7 and impacts our health. And so similarly, the energies that machine emit are subtle energies that work on your subtle energy body, that then influences your physical body. And if you just give me a moment to explain why that can have such a great impact. And you’ve measured, something happened, right?






You were just sitting in this field of electrodynamic energy, but to explain how the mechanism of that. If we go into a little bit of, say, quantum physics 101, just very briefly. When physicists look inside the atom, they find something quite remarkable and they find that it’s made of 99.99999, and you go 13 digits down the track, percent empty space. And the reason why that’s so profound is because we are made of 100 trillion cells, each one of those cells has roughly 100 trillion atoms in it. And each one of those atoms is 99.99999% empty space. So what’s showing up in our physical world that our five senses can detect in the physical world is really 0.00000, go 13 digits down the track, 1% physical matter. So said slightly differently, there’s a lot more going on within us than what we can physically detect. And this is not a statement, this is a fact. The atom is 99.999% empty space.


But what they find in the empty space is the key because what they find in the empty space is energy. In fact, quite a lot of energy. So much so that in one cubic centimeter of space that we think is empty, the energy density is something like 10 to the 93 grams per centimeter cube. To try and let people understand how insanely dense one cubic centimeter of the energy is in that vacuum of space, if you took all the matter out of earth, our solar system, our galaxy, and the universe, and you compressed all the physical matter into one cubic centimeter, you can imagine how energy dense that would be. That is the energy that exists at what we call the quantum scale, the energy that exists in the empty space in the atom.


So the relevance of that is this, we’re made of a hundred trillion cells. Each one of those cells is made of 100 trillion atoms. Each one of those atoms is 99.99% empty space. But what is in the empty space is very dense energy. So if you zoom back out, what that translates to meaning, and this is what quantum physics now tells us, is that we are not just these physical beings, we are also these energetic conscious beings. And we can now use Kirlian photography, which is quite old technology now, various other technologies that actually physically show up and demonstrate the non-physical part of your being. And they now have instruments that can measure and detect your electromagnetic field up to three feet away. So most people think that’s the tip of my hands, and I stop there. But you don’t, you extend as far as the science goes, they can measure, detect up to three feet away. I personally think people are infinite beings.



Well okay, then that leads me into my next question, which is based around consciousness. And it’s one of those words, especially as I’m talking to somebody who owns maybe a consciousness clinic in Byron Bay that could be deemed as woo-woo, right?






Yeah, yeah. It’s another you light your Joss sticks and we love to talk about consciousness. But I’ve been recording podcasts for over a decade. And oftentimes the early stuff that I was really, really interested in uncovering that was very, very masked in the woo-woo, turns out decade later to be about as right as we could have ever been, at the forefront of science. Gut health was one of them. A decade ago it was woo-woo, people were laughed at, it was quackery. So tell me about, and we’ve probably got 20 minutes left of talk time as well, so I’m really, really keen to get your thoughts on consciousness in a nutshell. For people that just maybe have experienced some things and they can’t quite work out why these things are happening, coincidence, things like that. Because I’ve had a few experiences previously in the last six months or so that after speaking to you and a number of other people, it’s like, well no, that’s all down to consciousness and manifestation and things of that nature. So how do you define consciousness?



Yeah, it’s a great question, and thanks for asking that. And it’s an age old question that-



Isn’t it?



… and I will answer this, but I’ll come back at some point and talk… Well actually, I’ll quickly finish those. What are the other technologies that we have? Because we’ve got to speak about voltage, which lives under consciousness. So I’ll quickly answer that, then I’ll come back and talk about consciousness. So the other technologies we have in our clinic, we have super oxygen saturation therapy. That’s where we’re using a combination of high and low oxygen to super saturate ourselves. Why is oxygen so important for us? Well, you don’t have to have a degree to figure this out. There’s a reason why we can go months without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen. It’s that fundamental and vital for us as human beings.


And so the idea to be able to super saturate ourselves with oxygen using some technology is the reason why we have that in our clinic. Because oxygen is one of those five things that the cells need. So they need the right nutrients, they need electromagnetism, they need oxygen, they need light. So in our clinic we’ve got red and near infrared light therapy, many, many benefits that are associated with that, anti-inflammatory. I call it pro-youthing because I don’t like the word anti-aging, but it stimulates collagen and elastin growth. What else? Good for eyesight, skin, wound healing, the list goes on and on and on. And then we also have a couple of detox therapies.


We have far infrared sauna, great for detoxing the body. We have lymphatic drainage, compression therapy, another great way to detoxify the body. Why do we want to detoxify the body? Because they compromise cellular functioning. So as a cellular rejuvenation clinic, we’re not only looking to put the things in that improves cellular functioning, but take the things out that compromise cellular functioning and they’re toxins. So they’re five of the technologies we have. In addition to that, we also have one called quantum field light therapy, which you had to go on yesterday. We’ll talk about that, I’m sure.






That helps put you into altered states of consciousness. And that’s probably a good leading into what your next question was is what is consciousness?



Absolutely, yeah. Tell us in your words, what is it?



Yeah, and thank you. And this is my perspective on it, right?






So consciousness is the stuff that everything in the entire universe is made from. And different cultures have always come up with different names for this. So in the Asian culture, they would call it chi. In the Indian culture, they would call it prana. In the ancient Egyptian culture, they would call it ka. All of these ancient cultures knew, at a very deep level, that there was some underlying source of energy, consciousness, intelligence that everything emanated from. When we get into the world of quantum physics, this is saying the same thing. Not so much quantum physics. There’s a gentleman by the name of Nassim Haramein, he will win a Nobel Prize soon. But he’s come up with what’s called the unified field of physics.


And as part of that unified field of physics, he’s actually written equations that pretty well much show that protons, which are at the center the atoms, that are the basic building block of all matter, operate like little mini black holes. So that’s at that quantum scale, that subatomic particle scale, we have, let’s call them mini black holes. And at the cosmological scale, we have black holes. And so the universe is working through these different fractals on different scales, but it’s doing the same thing. And so what’s on the other side of a black hole? Is a white hole. So that means material comes out from that black hole, it manifests from that. So what is consciousness? I think this is my perception, this is how I describe it. It’s the stuff that makes up everything throughout the entire universe. And everything starts as consciousness and it has these different qualities.


So some of the qualities of consciousness are it has self-awareness, it knows that it exists. In ancient Indian culture, they had a mantra for it. It says, I am that I am, okay. So even these ancient cultures, they knew that awareness was a fundamental part of consciousness. So what are the other qualities of consciousness? Well, you often think about how they try and describe, let’s say God, in many cultures, different cultures, they’ll often refer to as being omniscient, meaning all knowing. Well, here’s the thing about consciousness, all information exists in this field of consciousness. So this field, this is how I like to think of them anyway, tiny, microscopic little bubbles. And as part of that bubble, they have awareness, as part of that bubble, they have in information. It’s imprinted on that bubble, information in the field, as part of that bubble of consciousness, it’s often described as being omnipotent, which is in all places at all times.



So can you give me an example then of consciousness at work from a human perspective? How could I use consciousness personally, to my benefit?



Yeah, fantastic, okay. So let’s talk about some experiments. But here’s the thing though, what is consciousness? In my view, it is awareness, it is information, it is energy, and it’s in all places at all time. So it exists in all place at all time. So let’s give some practical examples of how we can use consciousness to influence cellular health, which I think is what your question is. They do experiments, and they’ve done these in America, where they get someone’s fingernail, which is an example of their DNA, and they separate these people by 500 miles. So one’s in California, the other one’s, I think Santa Fe. So the person is in California, and their fingernail, which has come off them, has been transported 500 miles away in, I think it’s Santa Fe.


And they put the fingernail in a box that they can measure the distribution of photons in that box and the distribution of those photons are quite random. They put the fingernail in there and the fingernail has DNA. So think of a helix strand of DNA, and what they find is those photons, when the box is empty, the photons in there, the energy, the light, is randomly distributed as you’d expect. When you put the DNA in there of the fingernail, the photons coalesce around the outside of the DNA. So if you think of those photons as being the consciousness that is energy is coming through to the DNA, it’s attaching to it. And then they do some really interesting things.


They expose the person in California to negative images, very horrific negative, emotional images. And they use atomic clocks, which are the most accurate clocks in the world, at the exact moment that they subject the person 500 kilometers away or miles away to negative images, the DNA in the box, the helix, that double helix contracts, squashes up. But it happens at the exact same time, even though they’re separated by 500 miles. So this comes back into the earlier conversation that time is not linear because everything in 3D reality says that if I need to move from somewhere here to somewhere there, 500 miles away, it’s going to take a certain amount of time to get there. Even if you’re going at the speed of light, it’s going to take a certain amount of time to get there. When they do the experiments with atomic clocks, it happens in no time-



No time at all.



… it happens at the exact same time. And so what’s happening is, and the fingernail and the DNA that’s 500 miles away from the person that gets subjected to those images, they are what’s called entangled or quantum entanglement. They are entangled, meaning they are connected and information is flowing from the person in California to their DNA 500 miles away, instantly causing the DNA, due to negative things, to contract. So the helix compresses, and when it compresses, we’ve all seen on the DNA, the helix of the DNA, there’s a certain gene, there’s certain DNA, there’s genes that are expressing proteins. And those proteins go on to make up us. And so when they get compressed, it compresses their ability to express good quality proteins. So in other words, it down-regulates genes. When you think about this, stress and negativity, does that lead to illness? Do we have any empirical evidence of that? Plenty of it, because the negativity that we’re feeling consciously is squashing down and suppressing our DNA, it’s down regulating genes.



So is that just a very complex way of saying, try not to be too stressed and you’ll be healthier? Because at the moment, that analogy of the DNA and that immediate syncing of the person 500 miles away, that’s kind of crazy and well, a lot of people say, wow, can’t believe that. That’s hard to understand. But what does that mean to me? What does that mean to the lay person, to say, well so what, basically?



Yeah, okay. Well, so here’s the point, right?






So what we’re really tapping into here, the question was how can we use consciousness to influence cellular health?






And so what we’re really tapping into here is the world of epigenetics. Epigenetics says that we are not a victim of our genes, but we can up-regulate or down-regulate the proteins that make us work better and down-regulate the proteins that don’t make us work as well. And what controls whether those genes are up-regulated or down-regulated is the information in the environment. So it’s the information which is, remember I said consciousness has information embedded in it?






It has energy. So it’s the information in the environment that affects our cellular health. So when they take the same person and express them to high vibrational emotions, love, compassion, joy, forgiveness, the DNA strands open up and extend outwards, and they have a much better time expressing their genes. So what that means is what we think and feel affects how our DNA express genes.



Yes, and also our hormones as well. So if we’re in a fight or flight state, continually stressed, then we are going to be, by the very nature of that, generating stress hormones, cortisol, adrenaline.



Absolutely, that’s it, that’s it. And cortisol down-regulates a lot of stuff. Up-regulates the wrong things and down-regulates the other things, right?






So how does consciousness affect cellular rejuvenation? They do these other experiments and they figure out that consciousness or thought affects reality. So here’s another experiment done by the TM movement. They took something like 3,000 meditators to Washington DC for a week, and they measured the crime rates of that particular week in Washington DC, which is one of the most violent cities in the US. And they measured the different levels of violent crime for that particular week going back, I think about maybe 10 years. So statistically, they know what’s the type of crime that happens at that time of year, and then they ship in 3,000 meditators who meditate on love, peace, joy, and harmony. And the crime rate drops, and I’m paraphrasing here, but I think it’s like 23%.


So what that tells us is consciousness, intention, thoughts, influence reality. Now in that example, that’s on a larger scale, we’re talking about a city, Washington DC, I don’t know how many millions of people there, there’s a large number. You’ve got 3,000 meditators. So you’ve got a smaller sample influencing a bigger sample. But the universe works in fractals. So we can, within ourselves, use consciousness to influence just our local environment within our own field as well. So they are two examples of how consciousness influences, on the one hand, cellular health and on the other hand, reality. Because not just our health, but quantum physics now tells us all of manifest reality, everything physical comes from consciousness, it comes from energy. And so getting back to what is consciousness, it has awareness, it has information, it’s super intelligent, it’s quite intelligent. And it literally expresses itself into form.


So the information that the consciousness uses as its intelligence expresses that information so that atoms will arrange themselves into certain geometrical patterns that become molecules, that then go on to create our physical reality. And this is where we get into sacred geometry. These are the patterns of the universe that it follows. And so to try to bring that all together, consciousness is what makes up everything in the entire universe, including us, and all physical matter. And consciousness is influenced by our thoughts and our intentions. And that’s demonstrated by that Washington DC experiment that we said. And also by that experiment we said about the person 500 miles away with their DNA. So it’s important that we learn to choose our thoughts and our emotions carefully because they literally go on to manifest our reality within our body and also our external reality.



Absolutely, change our biology as well. No, that’s fantastic. Well look, I have got lots of questions regarding quantum field, quantum light therapy, things like that. But we will not have time for them today, so I think it’s going to have to be a take two. So what I’m keen to understand then is just in a few wrap up questions, interested in your top three tips personally, that you think can make the biggest impact on our overall health, given the conversation that we’ve had and all of the strategies as well that you could implement, at least on yourself to crush your day. So essentially, it could be, well make sure that I drink clean water and eat great food and maybe do some yoga, things like that. What would be your top three?



Well, it’s not always super sexy or super exciting, but if we come back to the answer to the question, what are the three top things?






Well, let’s start at what I said earlier. We can go months without food, but nutrition is important. So what you’re putting into the body clearly has an effect on how well the body works, unquestionably, right?






So there’s no way to avoid that, to not put that in the top three. So food and water, there’s just no way. It might not be the most astounding answer, but it’s the right answer. That’s the first one. The second one we said was, well, you can go days without water. Yeah, water is fundamental, but all water’s not… The stuff that comes out of the taps, I’m sorry folks. Not a lot of life force in that, after the processes it’s been through. And if you don’t believe me, go check out Dr. Emoto and his work. And not all water is created equal. So we want really water that’s obviously free of toxins, but preferably restructured water, so it’s more bioavailable for our cells.


So we need the right food, we need the right water. The third thing, all right, is we need oxygen. We need to breathe. Like I said, we can go months without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen. So do a breathing practice, whether that be yogic breathing or Wim Hof breathing or simply taking some moments each day to take some deep breaths. So here’s the simplest thing, put your awareness below your belly button and breathe as deeply as you can, in through your nose and out through your mouth. By putting your awareness below your belly front button, it’s going to make your diaphragm drop lower. Traditionally, people, we are all shallow breathers, we’re only using the top one third of our lungs. By simply making your diaphragm drop lower, you’re going to create a bigger pump that’s going to pull more oxygen in your body, all right?






So breathing and oxygen. So that’s three. And I’m going to add in a fourth one. And that I will say is, we’ll call it meditation.






Okay? Is spend time going into the quietness of where all of reality is manifested from. And from that zero point of quietness, put intentions into the field on how you want to see yourself living your most optimal life. Because like I mentioned earlier, thought proceeds reality, numerous experiments that have proven it. The western medical world may call it woo-woo. But here’s the thing, Western medicine won’t even acknowledge that consciousness exists. So we’re moving on without them. They can catch up one day. When they do, we’ll be here to say thank you.



Fantastic. And I think we’re going to have to have a take two on consciousness because I’ve got too many questions. And I want to dig deeper into that because I have been far more aware since having an experience myself and talking to other people and reading and listening and watching videos and speaking to the people that really understand it way more than I do, that there’s a lot to learn. And it can be so profound for the journey, your journey of life when you accept it. So I think take two for that as well because also obviously, you’ve got some tech in the clinic that runs along those lines as well.


But certainly, first up, thank you so much for everything that you’ve spoken about today. It’s very, very interesting. And for anybody that is coming, visiting, living in the Byron Bay area, Quantum Uplift is well worth further investigation because there’s some radical stuff happening there. And I guarantee that you’ll walk out there feeling quite different. But for everybody that wants to know more about Quantum Uplift that wants to find out a little bit more about you, follow your journey and dig a little bit deeper into any of the topics that we’ve spoken about today, where can we send them?



Okay, yeah, great. Thanks for asking. Obviously our website,, that’s a great starting point. Obviously we’re @quantumuplift on Insta, so that’s how we’re connecting with people in the broader world and community. And in our clinic, we also do a free introduction if people are in the local area. We do a free introduction twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12 o’clock. It goes for an hour. And we go for a deeper dive into all the different technologies we have in here. How they work from a biophysics perspective, which is interesting because the main medical paradigm is biochemistry based. And there’s nothing wrong with biochemistry, it’s just not the full picture of what makes us up as human beings.


So we also talk about how we use biophysics as well as biochemistry, and we also talk about how we use consciousness. And consciousness, I believe, which we can come back and talk about this, but it’s almost like the secret ingredient that everyone’s looking for, the pharmaceutical industry is looking for that magic pill that cures all things. And the supplement industry is looking for that magic herb or supplement that cures all things. And I think consciousness is that, it’s the secret missing ingredient that’s been hiding in plain sight all along. And the reason why I say that is because quantum physics now tells us, this is no longer the woo-woo, everything that is physical in our world, including us, comes from consciousness.






So it makes a point, it makes sense that if we want to create changes in our physical body or in our physical reality, we go back to that point and we start, and that’s why I said meditation. That’s why I threw a fourth one in there because I would say that’s the most important thing because that’s where everything comes from.



Fantastic. Well, we’ll dig into consciousness and take two for sure, because I think it requires a little bit more than a couple of minutes on that one. But Ashoka, thank you so much for your time, much appreciated. We’ll put everything that we’ve spoken about today in the show notes. And if people are interested, they can whizz over there and find out exactly what you do and hopefully come and see you when they are in our sunny shores.



Great. Thanks, Stuart. Really appreciate it.



Thank you. Bye-Bye.







Ashoka Houlahan

This podcast features Ashoka Houlahan to the podcast. He is the founder of Quantum Uplift, which is the next generation in wellness centres that incorporates leading edge research with advanced equipment and technology. In this episode, we discuss cellular health, the everyday practices that could negatively impact ourselves, and the... Read More

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