Dr Christopher Shade – The Best Way to Detoxify Heavy Metals

Content by: Dr Christopher Shade

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Stu: This week, I’m excited to welcome Dr. Christopher Shade. Dr. Shade is the CEO and co-founder of Quicksilver Scientific and is a globally recognised expert in the field of heavy metals and detoxification.

In this episode, we discuss the signs and symptoms of heavy metal toxicity, together with the strategies that we can call upon to maximise detoxification, over to Dr. Shade…

Audio Version

downloaditunesListen to Stitcher Questions we ask in this episode:

  • What’s the gold standard when testing for heavy metals?
  • What are the most common symptoms of heavy metal toxicity?
  • How safe is the removal of dental amalgams?

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Hey, this is Stu from 118 Nutrition and welcome to another episode of The Health Sessions. It’s here that we connect with the world’s best experts in health, wellness, and human performance in an attempt to cut through the confusion around what it actually takes to achieve a long-lasting health. Now, I’m sure that’s something that we all strive to have, I certainly do.

Before we get into the show today, you might not know that we make products too. That’s right, we’re into whole food nutrition and have a range of super foods and natural supplements to help support your day. If you are curious, want to find out more, just jump over to our website. That is, 180nutrition.com.au and take a look. Okay, back to the show.

This week, I’m excited to welcome Dr. Christopher Shade. Dr. Shade is the CO and co-founder of Quicksilver Scientific and is a globally recognized expert in the field of heavy metals and detoxification. In this episode, we discuss the signs and symptoms of heavy metal toxicity, together with the strategies that we can call upon to start detoxification. Over to Dr. Shade.

Hey guys, this is Stu from 118 Nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Dr. Christopher Shade to the podcast. Dr. Shade, how are you?


Doing very good, thank you Stuart.


Really interested in the topic today which, essentially, is going to be talking about detoxification, heavy metal accumulation, things along those lines. First up, for our listeners that may not be familiar with you, yourself or your work, I’d love it if you could just share a little bit about yourself, please.


Oh sure. I’m a PhD originally in Environmental Chemistry and Bio-chemistry, focused a lot around or almost exclusively on metals in the environment, specifically mercury. I run a company called Quicksilver Scientific, you can find us at Quicksilverscientific.com, it’s a Quicksilver YouTube channel, and we make these high tech dietary supplements, we set the future of dietary supplements. We do these sublingual deliveries of different nutraceuticals and our original focus was on detoxification of metals, and then detoxifications of all environmental toxins. We applied these delivery systems to be able to get a maximum effect out of nutraceuticals that people usually associated with detoxification but when you really get the right delivery and you line everything up together you can get extraordinarily powerful programs going.

That’s what we’ve really built on and we’ve grown into, we just did a keto product, we’re doing hormone products all around this delivery system. Here, we’re talking about metals and mercury detoxification and that’s been my core for 20 years now.


Okay, fantastic. Well, it sounds like you’re certainly into a whole smart range of products and I can see a shift as well over the last, even over the last 12 months or so, to be far more personalized in terms of the products that are coming out. Whereas previously they were very generic and you’d go into any supplement store or supermarket and you’d just be faced at a wall of products and have no idea what you should be taking.


Yeah, or how you should be taking them. It would be like, “Take this, it’s good for your health.” In reality, most of these things, they need to be taken in context; in context of certain dietary changes or certain cycling of how you take things, whereas just taking one thing all the time you adapt to it very quickly and it doesn’t do anything for you. People ask me, “What are you take everyday?” I’m like, “Absolutely nothing.”


Yeah. No, that’s, yeah, very good advice. I’m keen then to talk about heavy metals and it’s an area, I think, that’s becoming more of an issue for more people, based upon the fact that our water source, our food source, and also environmental and pollutants are affecting our life every single day and with the potential to accumulate in your body and cause health issues as well. If, for instance I thought, “Right. I want to see what’s going on with my body right now, I want to get tested for heavy metals.” I’m aware that there are hair tests, urine tests, blood tests, things like that. What’s the gold standard for testing?


Well, there’s no real perfect testing. Blood and urine are your go to. Hair testing is fairly limited, it’s good for mercury but is only good for one kind of mercury so blood is your main go to and urine is your secondary. Now, people used to use the urinary challenge test as what one guy used to refer to as the brass standard because there is no gold standard. I actually advocate against challenge tests and I like just ambient testing of blood and urine.

30 years ago the testing technology for measuring ambient, being unchallenged blood and urine, wasn’t very good and so it was hard to see what was there and so people went to taking these oral chelators or IV chelators which would solubilize a lot of the metal that was in the blood and lymph and a little bit of soft tissue, and would make it kidney filterable. It would go out through the kidneys and you’d get this big spike out through the kidneys. That was good then because they couldn’t really test very well without it but this mythology grew up around it that it was showing you your true body burden, like it was going into all your cells and taking a representative example of everything, and it wasn’t at all. It was just taking what was in the blood and lymph already and exaggerating how much would come out through the urine.

If we had three people and their ambient levels were at one, two, and three, but the testing can only measure five, we’d give them a chelator and now their levels are 10, 20, and 30, still the same horse race but now they could measure. Fast forward now, for the last five years, all of the testing technologies thus that we can measure ambient levels, other metals, we don’t need to accentuate that. The problem is, when you take these chelators you re-circulate and re-distribute a lot of the metals and can actually end up harming people. That’s what happened to me in the beginning.

I was taking these DMSA, first for testing and then for treatment, and my kidneys weren’t able to get rid of those so I was actually testing fairly low even though I had 17 amalgams in my mouth. I just them all out, I knew I had a lot of mercury but it wasn’t kicking out, it wasn’t showing itself, and I was getting sicker and sicker during that. As a result of my own personal experience I developed really good testing for looking at the body just as it is. In fact, with the mercury forms, we look at blood and urine ratios and if you see a lot in the blood but not a lot in the urine that indicates that there is a damage to the kidney filtration mechanism and so if we’d just look at urine we’d get a false negative.

In fact, that same filtration is necessary for the chelators, and if we took the chelators and looked at the urine we’d get a false negative too. By looking at everything ambient and looking at ratios between them, you can tell not only what your dominant pool is but how well some of your excretion mechanisms are working.


[inaudible 00:07:50], right. You mentioned amalgams as well and I had a question about that I was gonna ask a little later on but I think it’s quite prevalent to ask it now. If we have mercury amalgams in our mouth, is it a given that they’re gonna cause problems, without doubt, where toxin accumulation is concerned, and how safe is the removal of the amalgams if we wanted to do something about it?


Yeah, these are great questions. 100%, it’s gonna affect you in some way but it’s not like it’s a binary thing like it doesn’t affect you or it kills you. That’s a way we used to talk about things like, “Well, if you don’t have lead poisoning and you die … Either you’re gonna die or there’s no problem.” That’s just the dumbest rationale ever and so it’s all a big relative scale. For some people, the amalgams are gonna cause a really big problem, in some people it’s a really minor problem, but it’s always going to be an effect on your biochemistry, like the proverbial lead blanket on your biochemistry where it’s gonna slow down a number of reactions, it’s gonna affect plans, it’s gonna affect hormones, it’s gonna affect immune response, it’s gonna affect the brain.

We can talk later about the specific effects but let’s first answer your question. We know there’s gonna be a problem caused by them being in and maybe it’s a small one, maybe it’s a big one. How safe is the removal? Well, this is a really big, big point because if you just go to Joe Dennis who doesn’t believe that mercury’s any problem, he’ll take your money, he’ll drill them out, and he’ll put the white ones in there but he’s not gonna have any protection for you. I remember early on, one of my bookkeepers heard us talking about all this stuff and she was just about to run out of her dental insurance. She had her dentist take all of her amalgams out and she already … I had tested her before and her blood inorganic mercury level, which is from the amalgams, was already high. The day after she had them drilled out she told me, and I took her blood right away, it was five times higher than it was before that and it took six months for that all to come down because she was accumulating and not getting rid of this.

That is no protection during the removal at all, that’s dangerous. Contrast that then, when my wife got hers out she had a fairly low level. She went to a dentist who uses the IAOMT protocols called Smart Amalgam Removal, and I measured her before and after and she was already low and only because I have killer analytical equipment could I see any change at all. It was just a little blip. On the previous woman who had a high level, I never would have even seen it at all. You have a massive dangerous exposure and you have almost no exposure so correct protocols. There’s a couple different groups, there’s IABDM, there’s the Holistic Dental Association, and IAOMT.

All of these have protocols for safe removal. The IAOMT’s Smart Amalgam Removal is the easiest thing to go online and find. I know that there is an Australia division of that and I know that there are a number of dentists in Australia doing safe amalgam removal.


Great, okay.


Not, like, hundreds but you can find it in all the major cities. They’re definitely in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Adelaide.


Got it, okay.


I don’t know about Adelaide, they’re very dramatic over there, they may not do this.


Yeah, don’t go to Adelaide. Would you recommend supplementation after perhaps you’ve had your amalgams removed?


Oh yeah, you definitely have to do detoxification around this, both hopefully preparation going into it and then detoxification after it. That’ll mean taking a number of supplements that are going to up-regulate your glutathione system. Glutathione system is how you get all the mercury out. Glutathione is a molecule that you make, it’s made out of three amino acids; glutamate, glycine, and cysteine. The cysteine has a sulf-hydro group, a reduced sulfa group that bonds onto the mercury, same kind of group that’s on the chelators but this is one that you make and you traffic around and it helps you have good immune poise, meaning a strong immune system to kill things but a tolerant immune system against allergic responses. It is the major thing that you use for detoxification, especially against metals.

You need glutathione, you need some enzymes that work with it that pull the metals off the cellular proteins and link them onto the glutathione, and then you need a transport system that transports it out of the cell into the blood, from the blood to the liver, liver to the GI. Or blood to the kidney and into the urinary stream. Ideally, you’ll supplement all those. At the very least, you’ll have liposomal glutathione. The liposome is the only way to get glutathione into the body, in capsules it doesn’t really work.

Down there in Australia, bioceutical sells a liposomal glutathione that we make at Quicksilver Scientific and ship it down there to them. You’re also going to want some things to support some of these conjugation reactions and especially the transport reactions. For supporting the conjugation reactions, that’ll be either lipoic acid or polyphenolic antioxidants like green tea extract, pine bark extract. Sulphurophane is very good, I know there’s a good sulfonmethane brand down there in Australia. Then the transporters, really what we’re talking about is moving correctly through the liver and this is gonna help you with all detoxification.

The liver will grab the toxins in the blood, pull it in, and then dump it into the bile, and that’s the proper direction. When the door out into the bile gets blocked, the liver dumps stuff back into the blood to get it out of the liver. If it builds up, it could kill the liver. This kind of back-flush to the liver is where people have the negative reactions around detoxification. How do you keep that flow going? You need bitter compounds like traditional bitter herbs, like [inaudible 00:14:50], dandelion, we use a lot of myrrh, we have something called bitters number nine and also something called bitters X that are for that flow, and phosphatidylcholine. This is a phospholipid which is extracted from lecithin, either [inaudible] or sunflower lecithin, unless you’re getting a pure form.

If you’re using a lecithin, you want to use sunflower form but phosphatidylcholine is always donated from the cell membranes in the liver into the bio-flow to keep the bio-flow fluid and to protect that transport mechanism from the detergent aspect of the bio. Phosphatidylcholine is a major part of detoxification, so you’ve got glutathione, you’ve got sulforophane, lipoic acid or polyphenols. Then you have bitters and phosphatidylcholine. Last part of that chain is to catch the toxins as they hit the GI tract and that’s what are called toxin binders.

The simplest form of that would be charcoal or clay or chlorella is used for that. We have a specific metal binder called IMD, intestinal metal detox. Chitosan is also used for that, that’s made from shellfish but it’s non-allergenic. We usually make a cocktail of all these because there’s lot of different toxins and each binder has its sweet spot in the collection of different toxins. You take all these things to get all the toxins moving into the GI tract and then you take the binders to pick that all up, and that will start a nice, effective detoxification without garnering all the side effects that many people get.


Fantastic, very smart. Your thoughts on NAC, N-Acetyl cysteine as part of that. Would you use that at all?


Yeah. N-Acetyl cysteine is a precursor of glutathione, it can help you build glutathione. Now, it’s relying on enzymes to help you up-regulate glutathione. If people

… more chronically ill, those enzymes are under-functioning. You don’t want to hack around that system with a liposomal glutathione until you really get it up and flowing. When you’re doing a high stress … or like a high intensity detox, or when you’re under a lot of stress, that’s when you want that extra boost of a liposomal glutathione.

If things are already working pretty well … And they seek and work pretty well … If you’re moving a lot of fish-based mercury out, there’s a little bit of a possibility of redirecting some of that mercury back inward towards the brain. Because mercury’s cysteine conjugates go through inbound transporters, and mercury glutathione conjugates go through outbound transporters.




So most of the time, you’re pretty safe with the N-acetyl cysteine, but in cases where the body is really stressed, or you’re moving a high load out, I would start with the liposomal glutathione.


Great. Great advice. So just backtracking a little bit, I then think to symptoms of heavy metal toxicity. It wouldn’t surprise me if everybody right now living in the area that we do, with all the craziness going on, would benefit from a detox … would be accumulating metals of a sort.

But the symptoms and signs of heavy metal toxicity, I would imagine, would be so wide ranging. Where do we start? I was on a flight the other day, and the in-flight magazine had an ad for thyroid medication. And it said, “Do you have any of these symptoms?” And the symptoms could have applied to every single person that ever read that ad. Where do we start?


Yeah, that’s the problem with toxicity symptoms. And so, if you’re a neurotoxin, you’re going to stimulate neurotoxicity. And, the neurotoxicity you get from mercury is pretty similar to what you get from molds, and what you get from cadmium, arsenic and lead. And endotoxin from leaky gut, they all have the similarity until you get to really acute levels, then the differentiation … The unique brand of crazy that you get is a little different than the unique brand that you get from arsenic. But most of us are dealing in a chronic toxicity where it’s really similar.

But the detox I described you is going to work for most of the metals, it’s going to work for most of the molds, it’s going to work for most of the pesticides, herbicides, and they all have a similar sort of toxic experience. And the major toxic experience is neurological and energy. And then there’ll be other things that fall apart along the way, but let’s just talk about neurological and energy. And it’s a pretty broad, how many toxins can fit into this, but mercury fits really beautifully into this picture here.

So, neurologically, and especially mercury plus a couple of known things that will always come along … And what I want to mention here is endotoxin. Endotoxin sounds like environmental toxin, but it’s actually a piece … It’s little pieces of bacterial membranes and Gram-negative membranes they are mostly coming from your GI tract when you have leaky gut. When you have a bad gut, you will have … You will lose integrity to the tight junctions between the cells that line the GI tract. And you will excess trafficking, excess absorption of either improperly digested proteins and little parts of different bacteria and their inflammagens meaning they generate inflammation. And this inflammation is synergistic with the toxins because inflammation and detoxification are opposites. When inflammation goes up, detoxification goes down because inflammation is associated with trying to kill organisms that have come in with an infection. And you kill them with pro-oxidants like hydrogen peroxide, peroxide radicals, hypochlorous acid.

But, detoxification uses antioxidants that you make internally like glutathione. So, when you turn up inflammation, you turn down detoxification and that means at a cellular level, you’re turning down cellular defense against toxins. I’m bringing this up because when the endotoxins in there, then all these other mechanisms get worse. So, now we’re going to go back to this brain and energy. So, in the brain, toxins will create cognitive divisions where you won’t be able to process things real quick. They will also create a lot of anxiety. Anxiety is over-stimulation of the glutamate receptors. Glutamate and GABBA are your yin-yang pair for excitatory transmission that’s the glutamate side, or inhibitory that’s the GABBA side. Now what else goes with that, with the GABBA side also goes sympathetic autonomic pre-dominance. The autonomic nervous system has sympathetic and parasympathetic. Sympathetic is fight or flight. Parasympathetic rest, digest, repair, regenerate, detoxify.

Now, fight or flight gets all the energy when you’re in sympathetic because it’s key to survival. It’s key to running away from the lion, tiger or bear. It’s key to running from the enemy. So, it gets all the attention. Parasympathetic is, after the danger’s gone away you calm all that stuff down. But a number of toxins, and mercury’s really good at this, hyper-stimulate the glutamate receptors so you’re always in fight or flight, you’re always go, go, go. And when that’s wound up all the time, that brings a fear response with it because all that memory is about danger and survival. And that brings up this annoying, clawing, irritable fear, which is anxiety. And so, anxiety … And then once that fires for a while you get a lot of free radicals with it, and you get brain fog especially if you have endotoxin.

When the endotoxin comes in, that triggers something called neuroinflammation. It’s hitting a different part of the brain, it’s the immune part of the brain called a microglia. And when endotoxin winds that up it starts attacking, it starts creating pro-inflammatory cytokines. And then also the glutamate receptors do that, and they kind of war back and forth and that winds up this neuroinflammation, which brings this whole brain fog and lack of cognition, and then all these different problems while you’re stuck in this sympathetic. So, if you have any degree of anxiety, like chronic anxiety potentially along with brain fog, recycling anxiety and depression, there’s neurotoxicity and neuroinflammation.

Now, in the energy level and you’ll see the energy level when that spirals, accentuates the neurological level. So, at energy level … You’re talking about cellular level mitochondria. At organ systems level or glandular level, you’re talking about thyroid and adrenals. So, at a cellular level, mercury, cadmium and arsenic are really good at damaging the mitochondria. The mitochondria’s antioxidant system has evolved to be able to deal with lots of oxygen free radicals, which are involved in the mitochondria’s catabolism, or break down, of lipids and carbohydrates into energy, which a lot of oxygen driving through there. In fact, mitochondria are said to burn at 50 degrees Celsius. And so, in adapting to that, the antioxidant system of the mitochondria became more sensitive to mercury, cadmium and arsenic.

And so, they damage the inner workings of the mitochondria, and they damage the sub-membranes of the mitochondria. Another reason phospholipids that we said are good for the liver, are also a tremendous therapy for the mitochondria. All right so, they can damage the cell’s ability to make energy and if the cell can’t make enough energy, can’t detoxify. At the systems level, the metals are very diminishing to the adrenal function, and they beat up the adrenals because your mitochondria and your thyroid aren’t making enough energy, so the adrenals are running really hot all the time. And the kidneys and adrenals are big [inaudible] of toxicity for metals, so they get worn down.

At the thyroid level, and this is also … Mercury can accumulate in the thyroid especially when there’s inflammation in there, like Hashimoto’s, and peripherally, mercury damages the enzyme that takes T4, the circulating inactive thyroid hormone, to T3 the circulating active thyroid hormone that winds up all your metabolism. So, if you see high T4 low T3, that’s usually mercury, cadmium or arsenic. And again, when all that energy’s down and not turning up, you’re drinking coffee trying to stimulate the adrenals, and you just can’t get that all going. So, when you’re exhausted, anxious and irritable, that is a really prototypal metal toxicity syndrome. But it can, as you said before, it could be a range of toxins fitting in to all that at once. And that influence of the GI tract and GI dysbiosis bringing in endotoxin is what’s really … It’s just like pouring gasoline on that fire that’s already there. And I just want to tie that right back into that bile flow thing.

So, I think I said this, I just had two interviews in a row-


No that’s good.


[crosstalk] somebody else. But, bio transporters and the toxin transporters are co-located in the liver cells. All the liver cells are fed by blood and drained by bile. So, the bile flow export pump and MRP2, which moves bile salts and toxins out of the liver, they both are up regulated and down regulated together, and they move toxins and bile together into the GI tract. And if you stop that flow, and what can stop that flow? Endotoxin, sympathetic stress, estrogen dominance, or just too much oxidative stress in the liver. All those stop that flow and what does your body do now? Dumps the toxins back into the blood and where do those toxins go? They go to the kidneys. You overload those you get lower back pain. You go to the skin, what do you get? You get rashes and itchy. People get this all the time when they try an improper detox. They go to the brain, you get more brain fog.

So, having all that bile flow lined up, is a crucial, crucial part. And to tie that back to the gut. What does the bile do for the gut? It washes the upper GI. Bile salts are detergents and they’re flushing and washing the upper GI. You’re not supposed to have a bunch of bacteria in the upper GI, that’s a chemical reactor there. The biological reactor is farther down where all the probiotics go in. So, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth part of the risk factor and getting that is improper bile flow because they’re supposed to wash that stuff down. Bile also brings glutathione to feed the upper GI and so, improper bile flow leads to GI infections, leads to endotoxin or leaky gut, bringing endotoxin into the system accentuating all the toxicity.


Boy, oh boy. I can sum that up in a statement that goes something like this: I’ve listened to what you’ve told me, we’re all stuffed. Cart before the horse, where would we start with the, Oh I need to get rid of these heavy metals I think I’m accumulating them. But I don’t know what the health of my gut is. I drink lots of tap water, it’s got heaps of chlorine and chemicals in there. I’m eating my vegetables, they’re non-organic. Probably sprayed with glyphosate and god knows what. I’m living in the city so I’m accumulating bad air, all of the above-


You’re eating fish, you’re eating mercury from the fish-


Exactly, right.


What are we going to do?


So, yeah I’m going to come and see you. So please just fix me, I don’t know where to start. Tell me what to do, give me some pills. That’s all I want to do. Make it easy for me.


Make it easy for me. All right, so first find your exposures. Do some testing, see what you have in you. And then your detox, it’s going to be an everything detox, it’s not just a heavy metal detox. You have to go get the IV for EDTA it’s almost just metals you pull out, but that’s not why you want to do it. You can add that on top once you normalize your liver function and get your glutathione system up. So, find your exposures clear those out of your life, and then start working on your liver. With bitters, phosphatidylcholine, binders, get that starting to flow. Add in supplements for glutathione like liposomal glutathione or N-acetylcysteine get that flowing, see how that’s going.

Then add in either like [inaudible] acid or sulforaphane, maybe some polyphenols see how that’s going. I would strongly encourage adding intermittent fasting and some degree of ketosis in there. Because that fasted state in the morning is going to allow your GI to clear up very nicely. And in this fasted state, you activate a number of mechanisms which help heal your liver and heal your GI tract. Now, if you were going to use one of our programs … We have this thing called PushCatch liver detox or Black Box two. PushCatch is really good because it has a lot of these things that if you used them with intermittent fasting or intermittent keto … Intermittent keto means all you eat is fat and fiber during the day and keep your protein and carbs mostly for night.

When you do that, these things that are called AMPK activators and this’ll include like [inaudible] acid, quercetin, berberine, luteolin, milk thistle, resveratrol, all of those things activate this target called AMPK which turns you to … Gets you to turn up autophagy and this is going into your cells and taking broken components, digesting them, and remaking new components. And the most important one to do that to is the mitochondria. Probably, second most important is endoplasmic reticulum and that’s the ordering they go in. And it starts burning fat accumulations, which will get rid of fat [inaudible] toxins and it’ll clean up your metabolism so, so nicely. So, a lot of these things that I’m telling you to use for detox are also these AMPK activators.

So, if you’re on this, in this period of your day with no carbs and you’ve fasted all night, this will happen very, very nicely. In fact there was a doctor doing fatty liver that he diagnosed through ultrasound and blood test, using this approach, using PushCatch, using dietary interventions and magnesium, one or two other things … He had 82% resolution of the fat accumulation in the liver in one to two months doing that. So, when you overlap

This intermittent keto with this kind of a detox you restore and you start mobilizing those toxins. And one of the things, as AMPK activation does, is seal up leaky gut and seal up leaky liver. How many people talk about leaky liver?


No one.


It’s the next big thing.




And it increases canalicular trafficking. Sounds like drug trafficking. Canalicular trafficking is the movement of the toxins and the bile across the membrane between the hepatocyte and the bio canaliculus, that’s called the canalicular membrane. So, it starts sealing everything up and moving things in the right directionality. So, there isn’t hope and then the longer you do this, the more everything is starting to normalize. And you get this positive snowballing instead of the negative snowballing.


Boy, oh, boy, yes. And-


Big message.


That’s a huge… Can we dial into that with a 16-8 fast just to make it easy for as many people?


Yeah. Yeah. And here’s the thing that Joe Mercola turned me onto. If you’re just eating fat, you’re still fasting. It’s just the protein triggers and the blood sugar response it triggers. So the carb’s increasing blood sugar which is hitting this AKAP13. It’s activating Emtor to lay down mass. But branched chain amino acids do that too.

You can activate the fat [inaudible] while you’re eating the protein, but you won’t activate the autophagy. That’s where the Paleo diet went wrong. But you can do that with the 16-8. Is even if you’re adding in fat…

And we have a new product called keto before six. And it’s all these really strong AMPK activators. And it’ll turn anybody… Put you into ketosis and then an hour and a half as long as you wake up at [inaudible] carbs it’ll flip you over into fat burning immediately. The triggers are so strong. And so, we call it keto before six because we have you do intermitted keto. You just keep keto during the day and at night you can go back to carbs. And a lot of people like that because you sleep better. If you got a lot of weigh to lose, go 24/7 for a little while on keto and we’ll get you there.

And if you screw up and you go eat carbs, you eat a pizza, you eat some wine at night, we’ll get you right back there. But eventually you’re going to go back to this intermittent keto. To really preserve life you need some time where you’re rebuilding and time when you’re cleaning out. And so when you get the detox along with that fasting state AMPK activation it is a home run.


Fantastic. Boy, oh boy. You mentioned once two months in there as well. Is that typically the time frame that you would expect to start to see results?


For detox results? Yeah. Yeah. No, that’s a great time frame. I mean, you’ll see them even sooner, but really deeper results, it’s one to two months. Now, if you’re really doing… Some things move faster and you get this basic cleanup. But then when you really get metals out, that could be three to six months.

If you’re sensitive, this could be 12 months. Some of the autistic patients that I’ve helped managed, those have been 12 months. And just layer, after layer, after layer. “Oh my God, and now he’s doing this. Oh, and now we got to change his whole class structure. And now he’s interacting with the neuro-typical boys.” It depends how many layers you got to un-peel.


Got it. Okay. And if I wanted to at the same time perhaps support what I’m doing through diet as well, and you mentioned keto, stuff like that, but when I go for my carbs, what should I be eating? You mentioned sulfur in there, so should I be maximizing my cruciferous veg? What do you recommend?


That’s a good one to bring up. All right. So, you need these periods of intermitted fasting, maybe you’ll have a bowl of fruit, coffee, you’ll add some fat for fuel. You’re going to need a lot of fiber, a lot of vegetable matter, and vegetable matter has lots of different nutraceuticals in it that help you with this whole thing.

You’re going to need a fair amount of protein to drive all this stuff. And then very fat and carbs for your fuel. The more you lean on fats the more you’re going to be stripping away. Now, you brought up cruciferous vegetables. And let’s put a couple of things together. Cruciferous, so that would be cauliflower, and broccoli, and cabbage, and kale, and collards.

Then alliums. They have to be thrown in this bin too. That’s garlic, onions, and leeks. Those sulfurs and those two groups are very intense sulfurs and they’re very strong for detoxification. Now, if you just want raw material sulfur, you’re better getting cystine in your proteins or in N-Acetyl cystine because it’ll build up your glutathione.

And then there’s sulfurs that you get from collagens that will build up the sulfurs in your extracellular matrix. Now what do these sulfurs and the crucifer and allium group do? They’re strong irritants that are NF2 regulators like the lipoic acid is. But, certain people who… You almost want to clear them out of your diet and then try them again.

And it’s not people who are already healthy, but they’ve already got a little bit sick. A lot of them have what’s called CBS up regulation. Cystabetathionine synthase. And they spin these very strong irritating sulfurs, like isothiocyanates in wasabi and crucifers, they spin them towards sulfate to pee them out but they build up a lot of sulfite. And they get a lot of sulfite toxicity and intermediate sulfur metabolite toxicity.

And it winds up their brain fog and they think it’s a detox reaction. When in fact, it’s a sulfite toxicity. So, one, if you’re going to do those, you need extra molybdenum and I’m a guy who needs a lot of molybdenum. I ate a bunch of leeks this morning. I got my little molybdenum tablets.

Because the brain fog, it’s similar to all the other brain fogs. For years I thought it was from detoxing then I realized it was sulfur sensitivity. So often when people are really sick, I take all those out. I wouldn’t even let them touch them. I only let them have sources that become glutathione, not these ones that are irritating. And then I bring those in later.

If you’re adapted to them, and they’re fine, they’re great. Then you want a lot of them. But if you have thyroid issues, they’re kind of goitrogens. They can be a problem. Not the alliums, but the crucifers. And if you have sulfur sensitivity, all those are a problem. So, if you’re not sure and you’re getting a lot of reactions, take all that sulfur stuff out, see how you feel, and then bring it back in and see if it triggers you. And molybdenum is one of the things you need, but you may just have to keep them out.


Fantastic. And, bit of a curve ball question, infrared saunas, yay or nay? Great. Okay.


Double yay. Freaking love them.




Three reasons. All right. One is the one that everybody thinks of, detoxification. Okay? So, my liver, my kidneys, they’re getting along. They’re trying to deal with this stuff. Oh my God, I’m dumping all this stuff out. My blood’s all filled. Your skin is your third kidney and you will put metals out.

They’ll be a number of other toxins that come out and it’ll take some of the edge off. But, I realized in my horribly hectic travel schedule but that they reset my adrenals. Is this just detox?

And I started looking into it more. And they make something called heat shock proteins, which is a stress response. And this is part of the dunking in the water. Cold shock is your heat shock proteins. Heat shock is your heat shock proteins. All those really help. And, it helps recycle tetrahydrobiopterin, which in certain people, and I’m a low biopterin guy, you run out of that. And that whole thing is helping you deal with helping your kidneys have the right amount of glucocorticoid steroids, which are anti inflammatories, which are helping your immune system deal in helping keep inflammation down.

So you see, when your adrenals go down, all these inflammatory things… You’re becoming more allergic, you become more foggy and stuff. And the saunas are just so freaking good as a help to that. So if you’re going to do that detox I mentioned, push catch, you take all the stuff that move the liver, get in that sauna, cook down in there for a little while, and then take your binders. Maybe you’ll cook again after that.


Fantastic. Great advice.


It’s just really-


Oh, good stuff. Well, look, you are clearly the man when it comes to detox and just dialing into whatever we need to do to put us on a road to better health. So, for all of our listeners out there, you mention lots of products. You mention quick silver as well. So, if I’m exhibiting the usual symptoms, low energy, brain fog, maybe some anxiety, just don’t feel right, and I’m going to the website and I want to choose the products that are right for me, where could we start?


Yeah, well there’s a bunch of different detox protocols there. Push catch is my reigning new favorite. That’s like a base two, product one. And it’s got so many different parts. Everything that I told you about is embedded into this two part system except the different add ons like liposomal glutathione. You might have CBD add on. You might have to get it yourself down there, they won’t let us ship it in.




You might need an anti viral, like our nano emulsified cats claw. That’ll give you a whole package. Black box two if you’re a little bit more sensitive. That one’s a really good one month package. Or you could just get the individual products.

Then, also, Bioceuticals, they have the glutathione, they’ve got the bitters, they’ve got the PC, they’ve got a b12. If you want to do testing down there, naturopath is our clearing house for testing down there. So you can find neutrapath on the web and they could help you with that.

I’m trying to remember. There’s a nautropath associated with that. Matt something or rather. He’s really, really good. And he can help you if you don’t want to self run all of this treatment. But, yeah. That’s where it starts.

And for more understanding, go to our website. There’s a number of webinars. There, most of them are housed on our YouTube channel. Quicksilver Scientifics YouTube channel. And you’ll find 20, 30 hour and a half webinars. The key ones to see are push catch, black box two, and some of the original mercury webinars. Some of those are three hours long.

And there’s a one hour mercury 101. And then for the ANPK stuff, the keto before six webinar teaches you a lot about ANPK activation. And what the cellular targets are that are activated when you go through ketosis.


Fantastic. So the web address for that quicksilverscientific.com?


Dot com, yeah.


Dot com.


And if you’re buying CBD from us, that has to be on a separate site because of all of these difficulties around CBD. And that’s called THRTech.com.


Great. Fantastic. Well, we’ll put all those links in the show notes, as well. And so just before we wrap up, what’s next? I mean, boy, you’ve done so much, you’re doing so much. What’s in the pipeline?


Yeah. In the pipeline, we want to see this growth of this combination of the keto and the detox together. I want to see what that does to endocrine disruptors because of I’m really worried about watching our youth grow up and there’s all this gender dysmorphia that’s going on. And I know we’ve seen that in the environment before we saw it in humans. So, I want to see that.

Now, concurrently, we do have a hormone series coming up. Hormone promoters, precursors, [inaudible] inhibitors to dial in all the hormones. We have a real strong anti microbial coming up that I want to have out for the lyme community and the chronic infection community.

And we have a broadening of our CBD line to include a capsule base that will have a number of different anti inflammatories along with the CBD. So those are all the things coming up within the next year.

Stu: Fantastic. Exciting times ahead. And for all of our listeners that want to get more of you specifically, as well, and dial into your message, still the Quicksilver website, or have you got any personal handles?

Yeah, it’s the Quicksilver website. I have to start a podcast. And actually, by the end of the year, I’m going to have a book coming out. And so, go sign up on the Quicksilver site and you can get on our email messaging. And you’ll see everything that we’re doing. Also, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have the constant updates of what we’re doing.


Fantastic. Thank you so much. Well, Dr. Christopher Shade, wealth of knowledge. Really appreciate your time.


My pleasure, Stuart.


Okay Talk soon.


Thank you.


Thank you. Bye bye.


Dr Christopher Shade

This podcast features Dr Christopher Shade who is the founder and CEO of Quicksilver Scientific . He obtained his PhD in environmental metals chemistry from the University of Illinois. During his PhD work, Dr. Shade patented analytical technology for mercury speciation analysis and later founded Quicksilver Scientific, Inc. to commercialize... Read More

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